Project overview

This is a pipeline that scrapes the url for the most recent National Transit Database excel workbook, and transforms it into a local sqlite database

Libraries Used

  • os
  • re
  • sqlite3
  • yaml
  • tempfile
  • pandas
  • requests
  • bs4 (BeautifulSoup)
  • prefect
  • sqlalchemy
  • janitor
  • tqdm
  • math


  • Configurations are loaded from a YAML file conf/main.yaml.

Main Functionalities


  • scrape_monthly_ridership_url(url): Scrapes the given URL to find and return the absolute URL, file name, and month-year of the ridership Excel file.


  • download_excel_workbook(file_url, output_dir): Downloads the Excel workbook from the provided URL to the specified output directory.

Reading and Transforming Data

  • read_excel_workbook(file_path, sheets): Reads the specified sheets from an Excel workbook.
  • read_sheet_from_excel(xl, sheet_name, sheet_index): Reads a specific sheet from the Excel workbook.
  • transform_data(df, value_name): Transforms the data in the dataframe according to the configurations specified.

Merging and Saving Data

  • merge_transformed_data(dfs): Merges a list of dataframes based on specified ID columns.
  • save_data_to_intermediate_file(df, sheet_name, output_dir): Saves the provided dataframe to an intermediate Parquet file.

Database Operations

  • Class AgencyModeMonth: Represents a table in a database for storing monthly ridership data.
  • save_data_to_database(df, db_path): Saves the dataframe to a SQLite database.
  • transform_to_star_schema(db_path): Transforms the data into a star schema for database storage.

Prefect Flows

  • scrape_download_flow(url): A Prefect flow for scraping and downloading data.
  • transform_merge_upload_flow(file_path): A Prefect flow for transforming, merging, and uploading data.


  1. Ensure all required libraries are installed.
  2. Configure the conf/main.yaml file as per requirements.
  3. Run the script to perform the data scraping, transformation, and storage operations.


  • This script requires a proper configuration file and external data sources to function correctly.
  • It is designed to handle specific data formats and may need adjustments for different data structures.