
CustomFanController is an example of how to create a CustomView with Kotlin! The user can interact with the CustomView and click on it in order to switch to a higher level.

Primary LanguageKotlin

🎨 Custom View Object - CustomFanController

This is the toy app for Lesson 4 of the Advanced Android Apps with Kotlin course on Udacity.

🌬️ CustomFanController

CustomFanController is an example of how to create a CustomView with Kotlin! The user can interact with the CustomView and click on it in order to switch to a higher level.

This app demonstrates the following views and techniques:

  • @JvmOverloads annotation to to generate overloads for this function that substitute default parameter values.
  • View Class to access the onDraw() and the onSizeChanged methods.
  • Canvas Class to make the drawing possible for the user.
  • Paint Class to implement basic styles to the CustomView.
  • Extension Functions to access specific method from a Class.

📸 Screenshots

Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4