
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Venmo example

How to use

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Install PostgreSQL in case you don't have it
  3. Create your database.yml and application.yml file
  4. bundle install
  5. Generate a secret key with rake secret and paste this value into the application.yml.
  6. rake db:create
  7. rake db:migrate
  8. rspec and make sure all tests pass
  9. rails s
  10. You can now try your REST services!

Optional configuration

  • Set your frontend URL in config/initializers/rack_cors.rb
  • Set your mail sender in config/initializers/devise.rb
  • Config your timezone accordingly in application.rb.

Code quality

With rake code_analysis you can run the code analysis tool, you can omit rules with:

  • Rubocop Edit .rubocop.yml
  • Reek Edit config.reek
  • Rails Best Practices Edit config/rails_best_practices.yml
  • Brakeman Run brakeman -I to generate config/brakeman.ignore
  • Bullet You can add exceptions to a bullet initializer or in the controller