This is the RACRAC's label Repo


  • MongoDB
  • Node.js / Express.js
  • Angular


* Go to: [MongoDB](, and download the installation file * Go to: [Node.js](, and download the installation file * Create this folder's path: 'C:/data/db' (for MongoDB) * Now, in another folder, clone the repo: _git clone * Place on app/ folder run: _npm install_

Setting Environment Variables:

* Go to properties of Computer * Click on 'Advanced system settings' * Click on Environment Variables button * Selecting PATH option, click on Edit button * Paste the path of the executable files of MongoDB (example: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MongoDB\Server\3.0\bin;') that you installed previously and close it with a ';'

Creating local DB and Importing documents:

* Open CMD / Bash and type 'mongod' (maybe you have to run 'mongod --repair' to close a previous process) * In another CMD / Bash type 'mongo' and, then, the following commands: _use sello; db.createCollection("bandas");_ * Then, create users collection: _db.createCollection("users");_ * Place on 'documents' folder run the following command: _mongoimport --db sello --collection bandas name_of_json_file.json_

Running the application:

* In another CMD / Bash (place on app/ folder) run _node server.js_ * In your browser type _http://localhost:3000_

Creating a user for the first time:

* In your browser put this url: _http://localhost:3000/signup_ * If the URL doesn't work, maybe, you have to comment the line 4 ( _$location.path('/');_ ) in _SignupController.js_ ( _app/public/js/controllers_ ).

And that's it! :)