
Radar-based gesture dataset (IMEC's 8Ghz radar)

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

8Ghz radar-based gesture dataset (IMEC's 8Ghz radar)

Description of the experiment can be found here: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2021.664208/abstract

python notebooks

8GhzRadarDatasetInspection.ipynb -> an example demonstrating how to open and inspect the dataset </br>
uBrain_8GhzDatasetTrainTestQuantizeExport.ipybn -> an example demonstrating the traininig, testing, quantization and exporting an (ANN) compatible with the µBrain neuromorphic processor (ANN-to-SNN) rate-based mode <br/>	


We can share the dataset and the raw data upon request (too large to be uploaded here).
Please send an email to federico.corradi@imec.nl, I will be happy to share the data with you.


When using this dataset and resources please cite the original paper available
Stuijt, Jan, et al. "µBrain: an Event-Driven and Fully Synthesizable Architecture for Spiking Neural Networks." Frontiers in Neuroscience 15 (2021): 538.