A template iOS app using the CoreBluetooth, SwiftUI and Combine frameworks.
It detects a specific peripheral set up using a Raspberry Pi. It uses a Write service to set a timer to play some sounds after a given number of minutes. And a Notify service to show if a timer is currently set or not.
The Python files are for setting up a BLE peripheral to play sounds, I used a raspberry Pi.
Environment information
For the BLE Peripheral
Used Raspberri Pi 4 Model B
Raspbian version 10 (buster)
Python version 3.7.3
Node version 10.15.2
npm version 5.8.0
Python dependencies:
bluetoothctl version 5.50 (check your version first, it comes with Raspbian)
mutagen version 1.44.0
Node dependencies:
play-sound version 1.1.3 (You'll probably want to run a standalone example to check if play-sound will work properly with your default audio player)
For the iOS App
Xcode 11.3.1