
Numerical simulation of Ising model on GPU with CUDA.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Numerical simulation of Ising model on GPU with CUDA

This project is about using driver CUDA to execute the code faster on the GPU than on the CPU.

I simulated the Ising model (a simple model for ferromagnetism in matter) employing a MonteCarlo Mark Chain (MCMC). The simulation is performed in C (using CUDA driver), the analysis results are computed in python.

A time comparison between pure C and Cuda is reported below.



  1. Clone this repo on your computer

    $ git clone https://github.com/federicovisintini/ising-gpu.git
  2. (recommended) Create a virtual enviroment

    $ cd ising-gpu
    $ python3 -m venv isingvenv

    and activate it

    $ source isingvenv/bin/activate
  3. Install the requirements

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install CUDA following the offical docs


The C and the CUDA files will generate a Markov Chain of energy and magnetisation of the system each. Results are saved in /data in .dat files.

  • Run C code with the following

    • Modify the relevant parameters in lines 7-13 of dim2.c, expecially the path where the results will be saved in and the lattice spacing

    • Compile dim2.c in an executable called dim2c with

      $ gcc dim2.c -o dim2c -lm
    • Execute dim2c to generate result

      $ ./dim2c

      Note: to time the execution time just type $ time ./dim2c instead.

  • Run CUDA code with the following

    • Modify the relevant parameters in lines 11-19 of dim2.cu, expecially the path where the results will be saved in and the lattice spacing

    • Compile dim2.cu in an executable called dim2cu with

      $ nvcc dim2.cu -o dim2cu -lcurand
    • Execute dim2cu to generate result

      $ ./dim2cu

      Note: to time the execution time just type $ time ./dim2cu instead.

  • Error analysis at given lattice spacing and temperature

    • Run $ python single_temperature_err_analysis.py to compute the mean quantities (energy, magnetization, suscettibility) and associated errors. techniques are used to take into account autocorrelation between the measures.

      The script runs on files named data/lattice*cu.dat.

  • Run $ python multiple_temperature.py to a comprehesive analysis of mean quantities around phase transition temperature and dependance from latting spacing.

    The script runs on files named data/lattice*cu.dat.

Example of Results

Plotting the energy and magnetization vs its position in the markov chain should result in something like this:

Computing suscettibility, specific heat and magnetization varying the temperature (β~1/T) should result instead in something like this:

Time Comparison

We compared the time it took to execute a simulation of our system for some fix parameter and varying the lattice dimension for C and CUDA scrips.

The number of steps between measures is proportional to lattice x lattice, so we expect a quadratic (in 2D) increase in computational time (x4 in table rows, since doubling the lattice points each time).

lattice C code runtime (s) CUDA code runtime (s)
4 0.221 5.364
8 0.719 5.597
16 2.431 5.723
32 9.806 7.564
64 38.655 14.874
128 148.755 47.485
256 630.897 169.416

We see that for a relatively large lattice (ca >30 points), the CUDA program is actually faster than the C code.


This work is licenced under GNU GPLv3 by Federico Visintini.

See LICENSE for more information.