- adhrinaeNHN Cloud
- alstn2468@kakaopay @nexters
- areumsheep
- blurfx@yorkie-team
- brightparagon@toss
- ChobobDevWrtn Technologies Inc.
- codemilliZemilli Design Studio
- cometkim@daangn
- cozy-kwon@Bucketplace(오늘의집)
- daniel2231Seoul, Korea
- devhyunseok@daangn
- donghoon-song@comento
- dvlprshSeoul, Korea
- easylogic@summernote @easylogic @elf-framework
- falsySeoul, KR
- ForestLee0513Seoul, Republic of Korea
- hanyeonheegoorm Inc.
- jerrynimSeoul
- jong-hui@futurewiz-rms
- kimhscomindividual
- lallaheeee@tossinvest
- ljlm0402Seoul
- noahluftyang@tosspayments
- pocojang@woowacourse
- seohyun0120@electronicarts
- seomparkRepublic of Korea Army
- SeongJuMoon@hyperconnect
- seunghyun-woo
- SimYunSupNon-company
- siyeons@kakao
- sphileeKorea
- taenykim@naver
- uriyang
- wonny-logHealingpaper
- ysm-dev👀