
Download code and dependencies

  1. Make sure you have python and pip available.
  2. Clone the project repository from
  3. Open a terminal in the folder where you cloned the project repository
  4. Run the following command to install the dependencies with pip:
    pip install -r ./requirements.txt

Running the code

Frozen Lake

  1. The following command will execute the script which will run policy iteration, value iteration and Q-learning on several maps of the Frozen Lake problem and collect statistics.

    Note: The script will take a long time to execute, so it is recommended to directly look at the generated files instead.

    python ./frozen_lake/ 

    The script will collect statistic in the following json files:

    • ./frozen_lake/policy_iteration_stats_0.8.json
    • ./frozen_lake/policy_iteration_stats_0.9.json
    • ./frozen_lake/value_iteration_stats_0.8.json
    • ./frozen_lake/value_iteration_stats_0.9.json
    • ./frozen_lake/qlearning_stats_0.8.json
    • ./frozen_lake/qlearning_stats_0.9.json
  2. The following command will execute the script which will generate all the plots found inside the ./frozen_lake/plots folder:

    python ./frozen_lake/ 

Forest Management

  1. The following command will execute the script which will run policy iteration, value iteration and Q-learning on several sizes of the Forest Management problem and collect statistics.

    Note: The script will take a long time to execute, so it is recommended to directly look at the generated files instead.

    python ./forest_management/ 

    The script will collect statistic in the following json files:

    • ./forest_management/forest_management_stats.json
  2. The following command will execute the script which will generate all the plots found inside the ./forest_management/plots folder:

    python ./forest_management/