
Primary LanguagePython

EO principles respected here Python


EOBot is a python library which allows to interact with telegram bot API. The main distinguishing feature of this library is that it was written using the methods and techniques from the 'Elegant Objects' book by Yegor Bugayenko. Thus the name - Elegant Objects Bot.

The library was used to create the bot for cli tasks solutions grading. The contents of the grader package, which was created and used for that purpose can be found in the grader folder of the project.

Getting started

The eobot library contents are located in the eobot folder of the project.

Several bot implementation examples were added in the examples folder to demonstrate the main features of the bot separately.

There are 4 examples used as the showcase of each of the implemented features:

  1. echo.py - receiving/sending of text messages;
  2. document_echo.py - receiving/reading the documents;
  3. buttons.py - creating the keyboard buttons;
  4. grader_test.py - grading of the cli tasks solutions.

To run the provided examples, create the .env file in the root folder and add the BOT_TOKEN value. Then, install all dependencies using poetry shell command and run PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$PWD/eobot" python eobot/examples/<EXAMPLE_NAME>.py.

Writing your first bot


To create a bot instance, you will need to provide its API key to the .env file to the location from which you will run the code. The API key may be obtained from the BotFather.

A simple echo bot

Using the key, create an instance of the bot:

from eobot.bot.bot import Bot

bot = Bot(DotenvToken("BOT_TOKEN", DotEnv(".env")))

In this example, we will make the bot to reply as defined in Echo() on any text message it will receive. To define this class, you will need to inherit it from the OnTextMessage class:

from eobot.tgtypes.message.text import TextMessage
from eobot.update.message.text import OnTextMessage
from logger.abstract_log import AbstractLog
from logger.no_log import NoLog
from eobot.arguments.message.text import PlainText

class Echo(OnTextMessage):
    def __init__(self, log: AbstractLog = NoLog()) -> None:
        self._log = log

    def handle(
        self, bot: Bot, message: TextMessage
    ) -> bool:
        return True

Then, start the bot polling, defining the reply on the text message as follows:

from polling import Polling, PollingConfig
from event_loop import EventLoop
from update.events import Events


That's it, the bot will now start the polling and will behave as defined in the method call.

General Documentation


The types are listed in tgtypes folder. They are in line with the Telegram API's definition of the types


The methods are listed in methods folder of the package. They are renamed to follow the common Python naming conventions. E.g. getMe is renamed to get_me.


The project includes the grader poetry package, which can be installed using the poetry install command. The tests are contstructed by a sequence of criteria using the SequentialCriteria object, which are later used to test the output of the .sh file.


The project includes the custom implementation of the logging package using the logging python library to satisfy the EO principles. It could be installed using poetry install command

Log object could be passed to each method in order to log it. If no logging required, the method gets NoLog object.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.