
Jenkins agent for the pipeline library

Primary LanguagePython

Jenkins JNLP agent for the Fedora CI Jenkins Pipeline Library

This Jenkins agent image contains tools and utilities needed by the Fedora CI Jenkins Pipeline Library.



This is a simple script which converts TestingFarm XUnit files to the standard JUnit format.

Example usage:

tfxunit2junit testing_farm_xunit.xml > junit.xml


This is a simple script that tells Koji to scratch-build a pull-request.

Example usage:

pr2scratch.sh koji wait f34-candidate https://src.fedoraproject.org/forks/benzea/rpms/fprintd.git#c194507ad80f189aed086726ccf5e5276e80d761


This is a simple script which creates a SRPM from a pull request, and then it submits it as scratch-build to Koji. The SRPM has a special name which can be later decoded and mapped back to the original pull request. See the script for more information.

Example usage:

# TODO: maybe use params instead of relying on environment variables


Building the container image

Pushing to the master branch will automatically trigger a new container image build in quay.io.

The resulting image will have the following name: quay.io/fedoraci/pipeline-library-agent:prototype

NOTE: We use "prototype" tag now so we can iterate and test changes faster. However, in future, the prototype tag will be replaced with a short commit hash.



To run the test use the tmt tool.

$ tmt run