
Empty Data on Whooshee_query even after calling reindex()

highoncarbs opened this issue · 3 comments

@bkabrda Hi , I'm adding whooshee to an existing application. I tried calling whooshee.reindex() , but it returns empty data .

Here's my route

@bp.route('/search/<query>', methods=['GET'])
def search_product(query):
    data_schema = FinishedGoodsSchema(many=True)
    results = FinishedGoods.query.whooshee_search(query').order_by(FinishedGoods.id.desc())
    json_data = data_schema.dump(results)
    return jsonify(json_data)

Here's what the SQL prints out to ( only the last part )

 size_master_3.id = size_goods_child_1.size_id) ON finished_goods_child_1.id 
= size_goods_child_1.goods_id
WHERE null ORDER BY finished_goods.id DESC

has this been solved .Im getting the same issue?

Not sure , shifted to elasticsearch . Trust me, it's a much better option if you're building a web application. Cheers!