
Simple sync service for downstream operating system distributions

Primary LanguagePython


DistroBaker is a simple service for downstream operating system distributions that allows for simple and automatic syncs of upstream component repositories into downstream branches, as well as automatic component builds in the downstream distribution.

Initially written for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS Stream.


  • Configuration fetching and parser
  • Fedora messaging bus monitoring and its buildsys.tag messages
  • Git repository manipulation for SCM syncs with fast forward and squash merging strategies


% distrobaker [-l LOGLEVEL] [-u UPDATE] [-r RETRY] [-1] [-d|-n] [-s SELECT] config

config is a mandatory positional argument and points to a configuration repository holding distrobaker.yaml; see below. Optionally branch name can be specified using the url#branch syntax.

-l or --loglevel accepts standard Python logging module log levels; defaults to INFO.

-u or --update sets the configuration update interval in minutes; defaults to 5 minutes.

-r or --retry sets the number of retries on failures, such as on clones, pulls, cache downloads and uploads and pushes; defaults to 5.

-1 or --oneshot runs DistroBaker in a one-shot mode, iterating over all configured components and resyncing. Useful for bootstrapping; defaults to false, where DistroBaker runs in a service mode listening for tagging messages.

With strict: false, DistroBaker queries the respective trigger tags for the list of components.

-d, -n or --dry-run runs DistroBaker in a dry-run mode where all potentially destructive operations are skipped. This includes cache uploads, SCM pushes and component builds; defaults to non-pretend mode.

-s or --select limits the component set to the specified space-separated list of components in the ns/component form.


Start in the generic service mode, with debug logging, fetching the configuration from a remote repository and the prod branch:

% distrobaker -l debug https://example.com/distrobaker.git#prod

Do a one time sync of all the components, excessively retrying 15 times upon each failure. Configuration is in a local repository named conf.

% distrobaker -1 -r 15 conf

A single test sync run for three specific components using a local repository:

% distrobaker -1 -n -s 'rpms/gzip rpms/bzip2 rpms/gzip' /tmp/conf#testbranch


The tool fetches its configuration from the provided repository and either performs a complete sync of all configured components (in the one-shot mode) or listens for bus messages triggering individual component syncs (in the service mode, the default).

If started in the service mode, it connects to the messaging bus as configured in the fedora_messaging configuration file, defined by the FEDORA_MESSAGING_CONF environment variable. Only buildsys.tag messages are currently processed.

The tool syncs the SCM repositories as configured and, optionally, triggers a build in the target build system using the configured profile.

What input DistroBaker accepts as valid depends on whether it's running in the strict mode or not. See configuration.control.strict for more details.

Currently only Koji and Fedora Messaging are supported.

Configuration format

The tool expects the configuration file to be located in (config)/distrobaker.yaml. A non-functional example of the configuration file below.

    scm: https://src.fedoraproject.org/
      url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs
      cgi: https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/upload.cgi
      path: "%(name)s/%(filename)s/%(hashtype)s/%(hash)s/%(filename)s"
    profile: koji
    mbs: https://mbs.fedoraproject.org
    scm: ssh://pkgs.example.com/
      url: http://pkgs.example.com/repo
      cgi: http://pkgs.example.com/lookaside/upload.cgi
      path: "%(name)s/%(filename)s/%(hashtype)s/%(hash)s/%(filename)s"
    profile: brew
    mbs: https://mbs.example.com
    rpms: rawhide
    modules: rawhide-modular
    prefix: git://pkgs.example.com/
    target: fluff-42.0.0-alpha-candidate
    scratch: false
    author: DistroBaker
    email: noreply@example.com
    message: >
      Merged update from upstream sources

      This is an automated DistroBaker update from upstream sources.  If you do not
      know what this is about or would like to opt out, contact the DistroBaker maintainers.
    strict: false
    build: true
    merge: true
        - firefox
        - kernel
        - thunderbird
        - testmodule2:master
      source: "%(component)s.git"
      destination: "%(component)s.git#fluff-42.0.0-alpha"
      source: "%(component)s.git#%(stream)s"
      destination: "%(component)s.git#%(stream)s-fluff-42.0.0-alpha"
      source: "%(component)s"
      destination: "%(component)s"
      source: gzip.git
      destination: gzip.git#fluff-42.0.0-alpha-experimental
      source: freeipa.git#f33
        source: freeipa
        destination: ipa
      destination: testmodule#stream-master-fluff-42.0.0-alpha-experimental

Configuration options

This section explains each of the tags noted in the example above.


This section covers the basic DistroBaker configuration. All fields are mandatory unless otherwise noted.


The source block configures the upstream source for component sync, specifically the scm root as well as the lookaside cache, the Koji build system profile and the MBS instance.

scm is a base URL of the upstream source control. Read-only access is sufficient.

cache defines the lookaside url, cgi and path, where url is the cache base URL, cgi is its upload interface and path is Python-formatted string passed to pyrpkg defining the file path used by this particular cache.

profile specifies the Koji build system profile name; the specified configuration must be available on the host, along with the necessary certificates.

mbs is a stub link to the MBS instance. This is currently unused.


  scm: https://src.fedoraproject.org
    url: https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs
    cgi: https://src.fedoraproject.org/repo/pkgs/upload.cgi
    path: "%(name)s/%(filename)s/%(hashtype)s/%(hash)s/%(filename)s"
  profile: koji
  mbs: https://mbs.fedoraproject.org

The destination block configures the downstream destination source control and cache. DistroBaker needs write access to both to effectively sync components.

The structure is the same as that of the source block.


The trigger block defines Koji tag triggers for supported namespaces. Currently this includes rpms and modules. The properties are namespace names, their values are the respective tag names.


  rpms: rawhide
  modules: rawhide-modular

The build block configures the destination build system, both Koji and MBS.

The scratch property defines whether submitted builds should be real or scratch builds. This is optional and defaults to false.

The prefix property defines the URL used to prefix the namespace and the component name upon submission. This is typically an SCM interface the build system can access. Could be read-only.

The target property defines the destination build system target. Targets are buildroot and destination tag tuples.


  prefix: git://pkgs.example.com/
  target: fluff-42.0.0-alpha-candidate
  scratch: false

The git block configures git author, email and the commit message used during merge operations.

The message is always extended with Source: url#ref, referencing the upstream commit used as a base for the merge.

Hint: Use the |-style YAML text blocks to preserve newlines.


  author: DistroBaker
  email: osci-team@example.com
  message: |
    Merged update from upstream sources

    This is an automated DistroBaker update from upstream sources.
    If you do not know what this is about or would like to opt out,
    contact the OSCI team.

The control block configures the basic operation.

The strict property controls whether DistroBaker accepts all inputs or rejects components not explicitly configured. With strict: false, any tagging event from the configured trigger will result in sync operations, unless the component is excluded (see control.exclude). In the one-shot mode strict: false processes all components tagged in the trigger tag, or the selected set, unless the components are excluded. With strict: true, only components explicitly configured will be accepted in either mode.

The build property controls whether builds get submitted.

The merge property controls whether DistroBaker attempts to do clean fast forward pulls (false) or squashed merges (true).

The exclude block is split into namespaces, rpms and modules. Both the block and the namespaces are optional. If provided, DistroBaker will refuse to sync the listed components in all cases.


  strict: false
  build: true
  merge: true
      - firefox
      - kernel

The defaults block provides string templates for the components section, defining the basic values applied to unknown components with strict: false, or known and defined components that do not define these fields.

The block is split into three identical sections, cache and the namespaces, rpms and modules. Each holds two properties, source and destination.

The values are old-style Python format strings formatted with component for the component name, and stream for the module stream name.


    source: "%(component)s"
    destination: "%(component)s"
    source: "%(component)s.git"
    destination: "%(component)s.git#fluff-42.0.0-alpha"
    source: "%(component)s.git#%(stream)s"
    destination: "%(component)s.git#%(stream)s-fluff-42.0.0-alpha"


This section defines synchronization components listed under their respective namespaces. Currently rpms and modules are supported. Namespace and component key names matter for SCM URL affixing and lookaside cache paths, unless overriden.

Components may define their source, destination and cache. Omitted fields are populated from the defaults. See configuration.defaults.

If components need to be defined explicitly (for instance for strict: true) without overriding any defaults, both an empty dictionary and null are valid. For example:

    bzip2: {}
    gzip: ~

The source repository for the component with optional branch in the repository#branch format. Repository name is concatenated with the source SCM URL (configuration.source.scm) and the relevant namespace.

If a branch is provided, DistroBaker will search the relevant build commits in that branch. If omitted, DistroBaker will fetch all remote branches.

Example: source: gzip.git#f34


The destination repository for the component with optional branch in the repository#branch format. Repository name is concatenated with the destination SCM URL (configuration.destination.scm) and the relevant namespace.

If no branch is provided, master is assumed.

Example: destination: gzip.git#fluff-42.0.0-beta


The cache block defines lookaside caches names for the source and destination.


  source: foo
  destination: bar



Install packages required to test the python scripts:

$ sudo dnf install -y \
    gcc \
    git \
    krb5-devel \
    libcurl-devel \
    openssl-devel \
    python3-devel \
    rpm-devel \

Run the tests:

$ tox