Bodhi is a web-system that facilitates the process of publishing updates for a Fedora-based software distribution.
- 1dot75cmBeijing, P.R.China
- acidburn0zzzEurope - Belgique.
- adityaramtekeRed Hat / IBM
- amitt001@aws
- anassahmedMussder LLC.
- angusshireUC Berkeley
- arussoSan Francisco Bay Area
- ausmartonFernandes Consulting Limited
- bochechaLyon
- bowlofeggsNorth Carolina, USA
- canyonbliss
- carwyn@NorthWalesTech
- climeCzech Republic
- crungehottman
- iob4
- johnowennixonDevOps Engineer @candide-com
- kholia
- laxathom
- lmackenColorado
- mattdm@RedHatOfficial
- mayorgatellez
- nashley@bandwidth
- nelsonEontld
- pwnfoo
- ralphbeanRed Hat, Inc
- resilva87São Paulo
- rzbrunoindependent consultant in software architecture
- sanjayankur31SilverLab at University College London
- sedrubalDLR
- tchollingsworthTucson
- tjbenator
- trishnaguhaRed Hat
- tvieiraGrafana Labs
- umair-iftikharBrainy Startups
- vivekanand1101@innovaccer
- zokeberBuenos Aires, Argentina