- 4
RFE: Support for systemd-boot
#115 opened by pm4rcin - 1
greenboot service status after boot
#186 opened by yih-redhat - 0
- 0
- 0
Revise readme to document support for bootc images
#159 opened by say-paul - 25 Returns Forbidden, causing failing
#68 opened by fancl20 - 1
DNS check ( randomly fails
#158 opened by ackanir - 1
- 1
- 1
filter out windows package fro simplified greenboot
#111 opened by say-paul - 3
Update packaging for new greenboot
#124 opened by say-paul - 7
- 1
Script '' FAILURE in greenboot-healthcheck.service log
#147 opened by yih-redhat - 1
- 5
Greenboot boot_counter does not decrement if sudo rpm-ostree reset is run before reboot
#107 opened by dhensel-rh - 7
Support readonly `/boot` mount
#136 opened by cgwalters - 14
boot_counter not decrementing?
#135 opened by vkrizan - 6
- 8
Greenboot does not fail when first error is found
#143 opened by dhensel-rh - 6
The /etc/greenboot/greenboot.conf file is overwritten when upgrading / downgrading the package
#142 opened by ggiguash - 0
- 1
greenboot-rs logging
#140 opened by say-paul - 1
- 0
Provide and replace greenboot-healthcheck.service by individual units
#138 opened by BreiteSeite - 12
- 0
- 10
Update the rollback mechanism
#102 opened by say-paul - 3
Get information that system rolled back
#118 opened by pmtk - 2
How on earth do I suspend this thing
#113 opened by namazso - 0
Greenboot health-check report in `rpm-ostree status`
#114 opened by say-paul - 41
grub-boot-success.timer interfering with greenboot
#108 opened by say-paul - 4
which lgpl version does the repo follows
#112 opened by runcom - 5
- 3
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for simplified greenboot, the greenboot* services are disabled and not started
#109 opened by yih-redhat - 8
Rethink the package and subpackage structure
#53 opened by jnogol - 11
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Failing on Fedora IoT
#93 opened by alcir - 8
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Why is it called greenboot?
#69 opened by dmick - 0
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