
Database & tools to track Python 2 removal from Fedora

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A database of packages that still need Python 2 in Fedora, and tools to manage it.

This software is a mess. It was created for one purpose and was expected to not be needed soon. Meanwhile, hacks are piling on.

Deployed report

A HTML report is located at:


Unless you want to refresh data there, or run additional reports, you can just look at that.


This software is not released. To install it, first set up a Python virtual environment with Python 3.7+. Then run directly from Git working directory:

(venv) $ pip install --editable .  # Mind the dot at the end!


To start a HTML report server, start:

(venv) $ export PYTHONPATH=.
(venv) $ python -m portingdb serve

Check drops

There is a script that checks what python2 packages can be dropped from Fedora during the Mass Python 2 Package Removal.

Change your Python virtual environment to include system side packages:

(venv) $ cat venv/pyvenv.cfg
include-system-site-packages = true

Reactivate if needed:

(venv) $ deactivate
$ . venv/bin/activate

And run it with:

(venv) $ python -m portingdb --datadir data/ check-drops

See the docstring of portingdb/check_drops.py for more info.


A static website with the HTML repot can be build by:

(venv) $ export PYTHONPATH=.
(venv) $ python elsasite.py freeze

You can add --serve for he freeze command to immediately inspect the result.



This code is under the MIT license. May it serve you well.