A simple way to create a development enviroment with Docker to build applications with PHP7.1, apache and MySql 8.0.

Primary LanguagePHP

Dpm-server (Docker, PHP and MySQL)

This project was tested on ubuntu 18.04


A simple way to create a development enviroment with Docker to build applications with PHP7.1, apache and MySql 8.0.


You must have installed docker and docker-compose

How to use

You need open file docker-compose.yml and change enviroment MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD to set the password of database. After this, execute this command in the directory of the project:

docker-compose up

If you desire keep up after restart the host, you need change the file docker-compose.yml to add restart configuration in the services.

The project include the file alias.sh, that include some aliases to simple your life. The alias are:

Command Description
php A alias to command php inside image, but before set this alias, the bash script check if a php command exist in the host
composer A alias to file composer.phar inside image, but before set this alias, the bash script check if a composer command exist in the host
bash_php Access bash of container php, possibility change some configurations
bash_mysql Access bash of container mysql, possibility change some configurations

To use this alias you need execute this command:

source alias.sh

To keep this alias after restart, you need append this command in your .bashrc, change the path file, or exeute this command in the project directory:

echo "source ${PWD}/alias.sh" >> ~/.bashrc