
Serve files via HTTP from its local working directory

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Local Webserver

Go Build Status Docker Build Status


This repository provides local webservers which serve the local directory in which they were stored.


If the server is stored at /home/user/tmp/mydir/lw it will serve all files in /home/user/tmp/mydir/ - please see the "Usage"-section for a more complete example.

After starting the server it opens a new site in your web browser. You can also choose an network interface the server should listen on.

To open the browser with the url, open is used on Mac OS X, start under Windows and xdg-open on Linux/Other operating systems.

You may want to use lw to ...

  • share data on demand from your local machine without the hassle of filesystem permissions or setting up a network share
  • serve a built presentation – e.g. reveal.js
  • load data from your local machine onto some network device

What makes local-server so nice and sweet?

  • It's just one single executable
  • It has just a few options and does not use a configuration file
  • It can be compiled for multiple platforms - e.g. Mac OS X, Windows and Linux
  • It chooses a random port on startup, so there's no conflict with other instances of local_server – can be overridden
  • You can choose which interface the server should listen on.


You can use the following commandline to download and extract the current version of "local-webserver" to the current working directory. You find all releases of "local-webserver here: https://github.com/feduxorg/local-webserver/releases/latest.

  • Linux

    curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/feduxorg/local-webserver/releases/latest \
    | grep -e "browser_download_url.*linux.*" \
    | cut -d : -f 2,3 \
    | tr -d \" \
    | xargs -I {} sh -c 'curl -L {} | tar -xzf -'
  • Windows

    curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/feduxorg/local-webserver/releases/latest \
    | grep -e "browser_download_url.*windows.*" \
    | cut -d : -f 2,3 \
    | tr -d \" \
    | xargs -I {} sh -c 'curl -L {} | tar -xzf -'
  • MacOS

    curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/feduxorg/local-webserver/releases/latest \
    | grep -e "browser_download_url.*darwin.*" \
    | cut -d : -f 2,3 \
    | tr -d \" \
    | xargs -I {} sh -c 'curl -L {} | tar -xzf -'


The server will ask you what interface it should use on startup. If you do nothing and wait 7s or press ENTER will be chosen.

Start server with random port (1023 < port < 65535) and localhost as interface (mind the * ) and be verbose:

# => Available Interfaces
# => [ 1]               enp0s25:
# => [ 2]               enp0s25: 2001:67c:20a1:1104:7cab:7900:6e5:49bd
# => [ 3]*                   lo:
# => [ 4]                    lo: ::1
# => [ 5]              vboxnet0:
# => Enter Number [1-5] (Timeout: 7s, Default: 3, Press Enter for Default):

Start server with port and interface defined

./lw --port 1234 --interface
# => 
# => Server listens on
# => 
# => Requests:
# => 

Serve a different directory

./lw --directory /usr/share/doc
# or
./lw --directory ~/
# => 
# => Available Interfaces
# => [ 1]               enp0s25:
# => [ 2]               enp0s25: 2001:67c:20a1:1104:7cab:7900:6e5:49bd
# => [ 3]*                   lo:
# => [ 4]                    lo: ::1
# => [ 5]              vboxnet0:
# => Enter Number [1-5] (Timeout: 7s, Default: 3, Press Enter for Default):
# => 
# => Server listens on
# => 
# => Requests:

Do not output anything, but request which interface should be used

./lw --silent --port 1234 --interface
# => 
# => Available Interfaces
# => [ 1]               enp0s25:
# => [ 2]               enp0s25: 2001:67c:20a1:1104:7cab:7900:6e5:49bd
# => [ 3]*                   lo:
# => [ 4]                    lo: ::1
# => [ 5]              vboxnet0:
# => Enter Number [1-5] (Timeout: 7s, Default: 3, Press Enter for Default):

Do not output anything, but request which interface should be used

./lw --silent --port 1234 --interface


This project was built with Google Go. See this page for some documentation about developing software with "Go". If you're interested to cross-compile this application: I wrote an blog article about how a setup an environment for that.


Setup environment

This will install all required Go-modules. It will also check if all required other software packages are installed.


Build application

Run this script and have a look for the build binaries in dist. Set the GOOS and GOARCH to the required values - defaults GOOS=linux and GOARCH=amd64.


Build docker image



Please see the LICENSE.md.