
includes: react-bootstrap, react-router, hot-reload, webpack bundle, commands for building

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Generating new components

# After setup of course :)
# cd my-new-project
yo react-webpack:component my/namespaced/components/name

The above command will create a new component, as well as its stylesheet and a basic testcase.

Generating new stateless functional components

yo react-webpack:component my/namespaced/components/name --stateless

Stateless functional components where introduced in React v0.14. They have a much shorter syntax than regular ones and no state or lifecycle methods at all. Please read the React 0.14 release notes to get more information about those components.

Note: You will still be able to set properties for stateless components!


The following commands are available in your project:

# Start for development
npm start # or
npm run serve

# Start the dev-server with the dist version
npm run serve:dist

# Just build the dist version and copy static files
npm run dist

# Run unit tests
npm test

# Lint all files in src (also automatically done AFTER tests are run)
npm run lint

# Clean up the dist directory
npm run clean

# Just copy the static assets
npm run copy