
:octocat: The contributor guide

MIT LicenseMIT

Contributor Guide

How we write code at Feedcast

General contribution workflow

  1. Star the project.
  2. Open or find an issue here.
  3. Fork it (https://github.com/feedcast/core/fork)
  4. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-awesome-new-feature)
  5. Commit your changes (follwing our commit policy and style guide)
  6. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  7. Create a new Pull Request

Style Guide


Currently, we are using Thoughtbot's Style Guide for Ruby Code.

Commit Policy

We have a very rigid commit policy, to contribute please follow these rules:

feature: Add hat wobble
 ^--^  ^------------^
 |     |
 |     +-> Summary in present tense
 +-------> Type: chore, doc, feature, fix, refactor, style, or test

Available tags:

  • chore: Add oyster build script
  • doc: Explain hat wobble
  • feature: Add beta sequence
  • fix: Remove broken confirmation message
  • refactor: Share logic between 4d3d3d3 and flarhgunnstow
  • style: Convert tabs to spaces
  • test: Ensure Tayne retains clothing

Based on this.