cd docker-files/
docker compose up
cd raincatcher-angularjs
docker build local/raincatcher-angularjs .
docker run --net=host --cpus=2 --memory=2048m --storage-opt size=11G --name raincatcher-ajs local/raincatcher-angularjs
Note: This will start the core server in a container that is limited to 2 cpus and 2 GiB of RAM and 11 GiB of storage (minimum storage of a container allowed by docker is 10.47 GiB)
- Install JMeter and add it to the system path
- Start JMeter GUI and import tests
- Edit
User Defined Variables
section to alter test settings - Disable any listeners before running the test via the commandline
jmeter -n -t < full path to file>/mobile_sync.jmx -l <path to report folder>/mobile.jtl -e -o <path to report folder>/html
Note: report folder and html report folder must exist