
RainCatcher performance suite

Primary LanguageShell

Raincatcher Performance Testing

Getting started

Starting Mongodb and Redis

cd docker-files/
docker compose up

Starting raincatcher-angularjs (core only)

cd raincatcher-angularjs
docker build local/raincatcher-angularjs .
docker run --net=host --cpus=2 --memory=2048m --storage-opt size=11G --name raincatcher-ajs local/raincatcher-angularjs

Note: This will start the core server in a container that is limited to 2 cpus and 2 GiB of RAM and 11 GiB of storage (minimum storage of a container allowed by docker is 10.47 GiB)

Running the jmx file from commandline


  1. Install JMeter and add it to the system path
  2. Start JMeter GUI and import tests
  3. Edit User Defined Variables section to alter test settings
  4. Disable any listeners before running the test via the commandline

Run the following command to run from commandline

jmeter -n -t < full path to file>/mobile_sync.jmx -l <path to report folder>/mobile.jtl -e -o <path to report folder>/html

Note: report folder and html report folder must exist