
FH Hybrid App with MonkeyTalk tests.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

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FH Hybrid App with MonkeyTalk tests.

Building a MonkeyTalk Instrumented App on the FeedHenry Platform (Android)

  • Create a new app in the FeedHenry Platform (Use a clone of this repo to include a sample MonkeyTalk test & test runner)
  • Hybrid Client > Configuration > Android, check the 'Enabled MonkeyTalk' option, and Save.
  • Hybrid Client > Build > Android > Debug > Build Now, and follow through the steps to download the android apk file.
  • Copy the apk file to ./test/fixtures/android.apk

Building a MonkeyTalk Instrumented App on the FeedHenry Platform (iOS - iOS Simulator)


Testing (Local Emulator - Android)

List available avds

android list avd

Choose one and launch it

emulator -avd avd_name

Verify the emulator can be seen by adb

adb devices -l

Install the apk & launch it manually from the emulator window

adb install ./test/fixtures/android.apk

Run the MonkeyTalk test against the running app in the emulator

ant local-test-android-emulator

Expected output should be something like:

[monkeytalk:run] running suite TestSuite.mts...
[monkeytalk:run] MonkeyTalk v1.0.47_976 - 2013-04-22 20:23:15 MDT - Copyright 2012-2013 Gorilla Logic, Inc. - www.gorillalogic.com
[monkeytalk:run] -start suite (1 test)
[monkeytalk:run]   1 : MyTest
[monkeytalk:run] Device * screenshot
[monkeytalk:run] Label main verify
[monkeytalk:run] Label main verify "Hello World"
[monkeytalk:run] Debug * print "Finished MyTest"
[monkeytalk:run] Finished MyTest
[monkeytalk:run]   -> OK
[monkeytalk:run] -end suite
[monkeytalk:run] result: OK
[monkeytalk:run] ...done


Total time: 3 seconds

Testing (Local Device - Android)

TODO - ant local-test-android-device

Testing (Local Device - iOS)

TODO - ant local-test-ios-device

Testing (Cloud Devices & Emulators - Android)

TODO - ant cloud-test-android-device cloud-test-android-emulator

Testing (Cloud Devices & Simulators - iOS)

TODO - ant cloud-test-ios-device cloud-test-ios-simulator


Antlib task failures

/Users/me/work/monkeytalk-test-app/build.xml:62: Problem: failed to create task or type antlib:com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.ant:run
Cause: The name is undefined.
Action: Check the spelling.
Action: Check that any custom tasks/types have been declared.
Action: Check that any <presetdef>/<macrodef> declarations have taken place.
No types or tasks have been defined in this namespace yet

This appears to be an antlib declaration.
Action: Check that the implementing library exists in one of:
        -a directory added on the command line with the -lib argument

Run the following ant task to copy the required jar files to ~/.ant/lib

ant copy-libs

A directory listing should show the following jar files

ls ~/.ant/lib/
cloud-ant-1.0.31.jar    monkeytalk-ant-1.0.47.jar

Android path issues

/Users/me/work/monkeytalk-test-app/build.xml:62: AndroidEmulator - you must specify a vaild path to adb. File not found: /Users/me/work/monkeytalk-test-app/${env.ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/platform-tools/adb

Ensure the environment variable ANDROID_SDK_HOME is set to the root of you android sdk installation, and the PATH environment variable includes the android tools directories.

export ANDROID_SDK_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk-macosx
export PATH=$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_SDK_HOME/platform-tools

Further Reading


  • Monkeytalk instrumentation of apps is only available for iOS and Android at time of writing
  • Monkeytalk & iOS Simulator builds configuration option is only enabled for 'testing' domains at time of writing. Ideally this would be enabled everywhere.