
Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Jolokia Node Client This project is a port version of Jolokia official Javascript client for Node.JS

Current version of ported Jolokia JS client is 1.2.2. #Installation Install using npm

npm install --save node-jolokia

#Usage ##Simple Demo

var jolokia=require("node-jolokia");
    if (err){
      //err handle
      //perform a request
        success:function(res, idx){
          //responsed as JSON
          //web request error handling
        error:function(errorRes, idx){
          // response error handling

      //get attribute:
      client.getAttribute("org.apache.zookeeper:name0=StandaloneServer_port-1,name1=InMemoryDataTree", "WatchCount",{

      //set attribute:
      client.setAttribute(mBean,attribute, value, path, opt);

      //execute an operation:
      client.execute(mbean, operation, arg1,arg2..., opt);

      //search for mbeans
      client.search(mBeanPattern, opt);

      //list meta info
      client.list(path, opt);



In code above, it retrieves a Jolokia client with given url and performs a request to retrieve the version.

##Client Retrieve In demo above, jolokia function takes two parameters:

  1. The first parameter can be either a url to Jolokia server or a JSON object containing following fields:
  • url: the url to Jolokia server
  • username: the username of Jolokia server HTTP basic authentication
  • password: the password of Jolokia server HTTP basic authentication
  • type: POST or GET
  • jsonp: Whether the request should be sent via JSONP
  1. The second parameter is a callback function which has two parameters:
  2. errors: If client creating failed, errors will be returned.
  3. client: the client Object. See here for the usage of client.

##Client Usage As this lib is just a port of Jolokia official JS library, the client usage is the same as this document.

##Synchronous Request Although the JS lib supports synchronous request, it is highly recomment NOT to use it. In Node.JS environment, keep everything async.