A python script that can download and build a number of kexts.
Additional SDKs can be found here if need be.
- Copy them to /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs to use
- You may need to change the
in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Info.plist if using Xcode 7.3+
Do the following one line at a time in Terminal:
git clone https://github.com/corpnewt/Lilu-and-Friends
cd Lilu-and-Friends
chmod +x Run.command
Then run with either ./Run.command
or by double-clicking Run.command
Currently Builds 50 kexts:
- ACPIBacklight
- ACPIBatteryManager
- ALXEthernet
- ATH9KFixup
- AirportBrcmFixup
- AppleALC
- AppleBacklightFixup
- AtherosE2200Ethernet
- AzulPatcher4600
- BCM5722D
- BT4LEContinuityFixup
- BrcmPatchRAM
- BrcmPatchRAM (Headkaze)
- CPUFriend
- CodecCommander
- DiskArbitrationFixup
- EnableLidWake
- FakeSMC
- FakeSMC (Kozlek)
- FakeSMC (Legacy)
- FakeSMC (RehabMan)
- GenericUSBXHCI
- HWSensors (FakeSMC + Plugins)
- HWSensors (Kozlek)
- HWSensors (Legacy)
- HWSensors (RehabMan)
- HibernationFixup
- IntelBacklight
- IntelMausi (Acidanthera)
- IntelMausiEthernet
- IntelMausiEthernet (RehabMan)
- Lilu
- LiluFriend
- NightShiftUnlocker
- NightShiftUnlocker (aabdellah)
- NoTouchID
- NoVPAJpeg
- NullCPUPowerManagement
- RealtekRTL8100
- RealtekRTL8111
- USBInjectAll
- VirtualSMC
- VirtualSMC (All Tools)
- VoodooHDA
- VoodooI2C
- VoodooPS2Controller
- VoodooPS2Controller (Acidanthera)
- VoodooTSCSync
- WhateverGreen