Command line utility to export colors, icons and images from Figma to Xcode / Android Studio project.
- color - Figma's color style
- icon — Figma's component with small black vector image
- image — Figma's components with colorized image (Light/Dark)
Why we developed this utility:
- Figma doesn't support exporting colors and images to Xcode / Android Studio. Manual export takes a long time.
- For easy sync of the component library with the code
- Export light & dark color palette directly to Xcode / Android studio project
- Export icons to Xcode / Android Studio project
- Export images to Xcode / Android Studio project
Exporting icons and images works only for Professional/Organisation Figma plan because FigmaExport use Shareable team libraries.
When your execute figma-export colors
command figma-export
exports colors from Figma directly to your Xcode project to the Assets.xcassets folder.
Figma light | Figma dark | Xcode |
Additionally the Color.swift
file will be created to use colors from the code.
import UIKit
extension UIColor {
static var backgroundSecondaryError: UIColor { return UIColor(named: #function)! }
static var backgroundSecondarySuccess: UIColor { return UIColor(named: #function)! }
static var backgroundVideo: UIColor { return UIColor(named: #function)! }
If you set option useColorAssets: False
in the configuration file, then will be generated code like this:
import UIKit
extension UIColor {
static var primaryText: UIColor {
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
return UIColor { traitCollection -> UIColor in
if traitCollection.userInterfaceStyle == .dark {
return UIColor(red: 0.000, green: 0.000, blue: 0.000, alpha: 1.000)
} else {
return UIColor(red: 1.000, green: 1.000, blue: 1.000, alpha: 1.000)
} else {
return UIColor(red: 1.000, green: 1.000, blue: 1.000, alpha: 1.000)
static var backgroundVideo: UIColor {
return UIColor(red: 0.467, green: 0.012, blue: 1.000, alpha: 0.500)
Icons will be exported as PDF files with Template Image
render mode.
Images will be exported as PNG files the same way.
Colors will be exported to values/colors.xml
and values-night/colors.xml
Icons will be exported to drawable
directory as vector xml files.
Images will be exported to drawable
and drawable-night
directory as vector xml files.
Before installation you must provide Figma personal access token via environment variables.
This token gives you access to the Figma API. Generate a personal Access Token through your user profile page or on Figma API documentation website. If you use Fastlane just add the following line to fastlane/.env
Download latest release and read Usage
brew install RedMadRobot/formulae/figma-export
Add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'FigmaExport'
This will download the FigmaExport binaries and dependencies in Pods/
during your next
pod install
execution and will allow you to invoke it via Pods/FigmaExport/Release/figma-export
in your Fastfile.
Add the following line to your Fastfile:
lane :sync_colors do
Dir.chdir("../") do
sh "Pods/FigmaExport/Release/figma-export colors ."
Don't forget to place figma-export.yaml file at the root of the project directory.
Run fastlane sync_colors
to run FigmaExport.
Go (cd) to folder with
file -
To export colors use
argument:./figma-export colors -i figma-export.yaml
To export icon use
argument:./figma-export icons -i figma-export.yaml
To export images use
argument:./figma-export images -i figma-export.yaml
Export specific icons/images
If you want to export specific icons/images you can list their names in the last argument like this:
./figma-export icons "ic/24/edit"
— Exports only one icon.
./figma-export icons "ic/24/edit, ic/16/notification"
— Exports two icons
./figma-export icons "ic/24/videoplayer/*"
— Exports all icons which names starts with ic/24/videoplayer/
./figma-export icons
— Exports all the icons.
Configuration file
Argument -i
or -input
specifies path to figma-export.yaml
file where all the properties stores: figma, ios, android.
If figma-export.yaml
file is next to the figma-export
executable file you can omit -i
./figma-export colors
Example of figma-export.yaml
lightFileId: shPilWnVdJfo10YFo12345
darkFileId: KfF6DnJTWHGZzC9Nm12345
# [optional] Common export parameters
# RegExp pattern for color name validation before exporting
nameValidateRegexp: '^[a-zA-Z_]+$' # RegExp pattern for: background, background_primary, widget_primary_background
# RegExp pattern for icon name validation before exporting
nameValidateRegexp: '^(ic)_(\d\d)_([a-z0-9_]+)$' # RegExp pattern for: ic_24_icon_name, ic_24_icon
# RegExp pattern for image name validation before exporting
nameValidateRegexp: '^(img)_([a-z0-9_]+)$' # RegExp pattern for: img_image_name
# [optional] iOS export parameters
# Path to the Assets.xcassets directory
xcassetsPath: "./Resources/Assets.xcassets"
# Parameters for exporting colors
# Should be generate color assets instead of pure swift code
useColorAssets: True
# Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place colors (.colorset directories)
assetsFolder: Colors
# Path to Color.swift file where to export colors for accessing colors from the code (e.g. UIColor.backgroundPrimary)
colorSwift: "./Sources/Presentation/Common/Color.swift"
# Color name style: camelCase or snake_case
nameStyle: camelCase
# Parameters for exporting icons
# Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place icons (.imageset directories)
assetsFolder: Icons
# Icon name style: camelCase or snake_case
nameStyle: camelCase
# [optional] Enable Preserve Vector Data for specified icons
- ic24TabMain
- ic24TabHistory
- ic24TabProfile
# Parameters for exporting images
# Name of the folder inside Assets.xcassets where to place images (.imageset directories)
assetsFolder: Illustrations
# Image name style: camelCase or snake_case
nameStyle: camelCase
# [optional] Android export parameters
mainRes: "./main/res"
— Id of the file containing light color palette and dark images. To obtain a file id, open the file. The file id will be present in the URL after the word file and before the file name.figma.darkFileId
— (Optional) Id of the file containing dark color palette and dark images.
— Relative or absolute path to directoryAssets.xcassets
where to export colors, icons and images.ios.colors.useColorAssets
— How to export colors - as assets or as swift UIColor initializers only.ios.colors.assetsFolder
— Name of the folder insideAssets.xcassets
where colors will be exported. Used only ifuseColorAssets == true
— Relative or absolute path toColor.swift
— Color name style: camelCase or snake_caseios.icons.assetsFolder
— Name of the folder insideAssets.xcassets
where icons will be exported.ios.icons.nameStyle
— Icon name style: camelCase or snake_caseios.icons.preservesVectorRepresentation
— An array of icon names that will supports Preseve Vecotor Data.ios.images.assetsFolder
— Name of the folder insideAssets.xcassets
where images will be exported.ios.images.nameStyle
— Images name style: camelCase or snake_case
— Relative or absolute path to themain/res
folder including it. The colors will be exported to./values/colors.xml
If a color, icon or image is unique for iOS or Android platform, it should contains "ios" or "android" word in the description field in the properties. If a color, icon or image is used only by the designer and it should not be exported, the word "none" should be specified in the description field.
Styles and Components must be published to a Team Library.
If you support dark mode your figma project must contains two files. One should contains a dark color palette, and the another light color palette. Names and number of the colors must matches.
File | Styles |
Your figma project must contains a file with Icons
If you support dark mode you must have two Figma files. Each must have Icons
Your figma project must contains a file with Illustrations
If you support dark mode you must have two Figma files. Each must have Illustrations
There is an example iOS project in Example
directory which demostrates how to use figma-export.
The UI-Kit of this project in Figma:
FigmaExport Example File [Light]
FigmaExport Example File [Dark]
How to setup iOS project
- Open
file. - Change FIGMA_PERSONAL_TOKEN to your personal Figma token.
- Go to
folder. - Run the following command in Termanal to install cocoapods and fastlane:
bundle install
- Run the following command in Termanal to install figma-export:
bundle exec pod install
How to export resources from figma
- To export colors run:
bundle exec fastlane export_colors
- To export icons run:
bundle exec fastlane export_icons
- To export images run:
bundle exec fastlane export_images
We'd love to accept your pull requests to this project.
figma-export is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
If you have any issues with the FigmaExport or you want some new features feel free to create an issue or contact me.
Daniil Subbotin -