Learning Github Packages

This repo is used to learn how to publish npm packages with Github Packages.

General setup

  1. Create new access token: https://github.com/settings/tokens/new

    • make sure it has repo and all packages:* scopes
  2. If not exist create a global ~/.npmrc file

    • add //npm.pkg.github.com/:_authToken={YOUR_GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}


Repository/Package setup

A package gets always publish within a repository on Github. You can publish multiple packages within one repository. In the package.json the repository field is used for the repository in which the package gets published and the name is used to determine the name.

  1. In your package repository add an .npmrc file if not already present

    • for every github organisation package add @{GITHUB_ORG}:registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com
  2. If you want to publish your package make sure you have the correct package.json config:

    • repository: needs to point to the repo in which the package gets published (example: git://github.com/{GITHUB_ORG}/{REPO_NAME}.git)
    • name: if the package is scoped, the scope needs to be the same as the Github Org name from the repository (example: @{GIHTUB_ORG}/{REPO_NAME})
  3. Publish your package with npm publish

Once published, a public package cannot be deleted anymore! Only private packages can be deleted. See Github Docs for more info
