NBA Data Analyses (2012 - 2013)

List of Analyses and Descriptions

Offensive Rebounds

This analysis attempts to seek whether NBA team should actively pursue offensive rebound opportunities to better their chances of winning.

Player Utilization

This analysis attempts to seek how utilization of players (moderately played, overplayed, or underplayed) affects the team's and players' performance.

Scoring Optimization: 2-Pointers vs. 3-Pointers

This analysis attempts to seek whether NBA teams can maximize their scoring by attempting more 3-point field goals than 2-point field goals.

About the Data

The original data contained information about all 2012 - 2013 season NBA games, with each row that logged various measures of contributions from a single player. This dataset was processed to create a new dataset, teamsData, that logged team's collective metrics (instead of individual players') in each row. The new dataset was saved as teamsData.RData inside a folder with the following path from this project's working directory: './data/processedData'.
Columns from the original players' dataset Newly created, corresponding columns in the teams' dataset Description
N/A NumPlayers OpponentNumPlayers Total number of players who played in the game for the team (not including the opponent team)
Game.ID GameID Game ID unique to a single game
Team Team OpponentTeam
Player N/A
Player.ID N/A
Minutes.Played N/A Minutes played by a player; N/A for teamsData dataset
Field.Goals FieldGoals OpponentFieldGoals Number of field goals made. Does not include free throws made.
Field.Goal.Attempts FieldGoalAttempts OpponentFieldGoalAttempts Number of field goals attempted. Does not included free throw attempts or field goal attempts during which a player was fouled.
Field.Goal.Percentage FieldGoalPercentage OpponentFieldGoalPercentage Number of field goals made divided by that of field goals attempts
X3.Point.Field.Goals ThreePointersMade OpponentThreePointersMade
X3.Point.Field.Goal.Attempts ThreePointerAttempts OpponentThreePointerAttempts
X3.Point.Field.Percentage ThreePointerPercentage OpponentThreePointerPercentage
Free.Throws FreeThrows OpponentFreeThrows
Free.Throw.Attempts FreeThrowAttempts OpponentFreeThrowAttempts
Free.Throw.Percentage FreeThrowPercentage OpponentFreeThrowPercentage
Offensive.Rebounds OffensiveRebounds OpponentOffensiveRebounds
Defensive.Rebounds DefensiveRebounds OpponentDefensiveRebounds
Total.Rebounds TotalRebounds OpponentTotalRebounds Number of offensive and defensive rebounds combined
Assists Assists OpponentAssists
Steals Steals OpponentSteals
Blocks Blocks OpponentBlocks
Turnovers Turnovers OpponentTurnovers
Personal.Fouls PersonalFouls OpponentPersonalFouls Number of personal fouls committed by a player or team. Does not include team fouls or technical fouls
Points Points OpponentPoints
Plus.Minus PlusMinus
N/A TwoPointersMade OpponentTwoPointersMade
N/A TwoPointerAttempts OpponentTwoPointerAttempts
N/A TwoPointerPercentage OpponentTwoPointerPercentage
N/A Date Date of the game
N/A HomeGame 'home' or 'away'
N/A GameType 'regular season' or 'playoffs'
N/A NumModeratelyPlayed OpponentNumModeratelyPlayed Number of moderately played players whose game minutes fall between 10 and 90 quantile of all NBA players' minutes from the 2012 - 2013 season (between 6.414 and 37.77 minutes, not inclusive)
N/A NumOverplayed OpponentNumOverplayed Number of overplayed players whose game minutes equal or exceed the top 10% quantile of all NBA players' minutes from the 2012 - 2013 season (greater than or equal to 37.77 minutes)
N/A NumUnderplayed OpponentNumUnderplayed Number of underplayed players whose game minutes fall below the bottom 10% quantile of all NBA players' minutes from the 2012 - 2013 season (less than or equal to 6.414 minutes)
N/A GameOutcome 'win' or 'loss'
N/A GameDuration Game duration in minutes; 240 with no overtime; 265 with 1 overtime; 290 with two overtimes; 315 with three overtimes; and so on
N/A Overtime Number of overtimes (0, 1, 2, 3, ...)