
A Pharo library for cross-platform running of external commands and getting their output.

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT


A Pharo library for cross-platform running of external commands and getting their output.

Supported platforms:

Linux, Windows, MacOS

How to load

Compile or download a released shared library for your platform from https://github.com/feenkcom/libprocess/releases and place it in the same folder as GlamorousToolkit.image or in the corresponding libraries folder inside of the GlamorousToolkit app.

Metacello new
   baseline: 'GToolkitExternalProcess';
   repository: 'github://feenkcom/gtoolkit-external-process:main/src';


Synchronous output

Create an external command with a builder and spawn a child process or wait for the output. Then get the output status, stdout or stderr:

output := GtExternalProcessBuilder new
   command: 'ls';
   arg: '-la';
output stdoutString

Buffered non-blocking IO

Pipe the stdout or stderr and poll regularly from an asynchronousStdout:

child := GtExternalProcessBuilder new
   command: 'ping';
   arg: 'google.com';

child asynchronousStdout
   pollStringEvery: 1 second
   do: [ :aString | aString trace ].

"kill when done"
child kill.