

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Docs Language: 中文 | English



远程主题 本地主题
运行环境 Github Actions 不限
主题更新 编译时自动 手动
修改定制 限于_config.yml 完全


复制 _config.yml Gemfile 文件到你的Github Pages仓库,按需设置。找到以下几行代码,取消注释

# remote_theme: feeshy/less-style-please
# - jekyll-remote-theme # enable this if you use it as a remote theme
# gem "jekyll-remote-theme" # enable this if you use remote theme

在你的 GH Pages 仓库网页,依次找到 Settings > Pages > Build and deployment,选择 Github Actions


  • Github Pages:点击 Use this template
  • 其他环境:下载源码



  • 极简且克制的设计风格,适合主要专注于文本内容的网站
  • 动态明暗主题


  • 配色方案改为低饱和度、低对比度的风格
  • 表格自适应与隔行变色
  • 自托管的中文webfont


首选字体 候补字体
通用内容 Avenir Next
Segoe UI, HarmonyOS Sans, Clear Sans🌐
思源黑体 (Noto Sans CJK SC), 思源黑体 CN (Noto Sans SC), 更纱黑体, sans-serif
文学性内容 EB Garamond🌐
思源宋体 (Noto Serif CJK SC)
Adobe Garamond Pro, Garamond, Palatino
思源宋体 CN🌐 (Noto Serif SC), serif
霞鹜文楷轻便版🌐, 华文细黑, 冬青黑体, sans-serif
等距更纱黑体 Ubuntu Mono🌐, Inconsolata, Iosevka, JetBrains Mono, Monaco, Source Code Pro, 思源黑体HW (Noto Sans Mono CJK), 文泉驿等宽微米黑, monopace


考虑到流量消耗,各大系统均预装的黑体并未托管webfont。安卓Droid Sans Fallback缺字重的问题通过浏览器font-synthesis合成解决。Safari似乎有可变Webfont重复合成字重的bug,考虑到iOS预装的苹方不缺字重,干脆禁用了macOS与iOS的font-synthesis。

思源黑体HW (Noto Sans Mono CJK)与文泉驿等宽微米黑均未明显区分1ilIL0O的等宽字体,不算特别适合代码显示。但考虑到本博客表格多于代码,等宽字族的设计主要以西文宽度等于0.5、0.6个中文字符为标准,以满足表格中文、数字、英文混排的对齐需求。


示例页面: markdown -> 网页


帖子必须按以下形式存储和命名: /category/sub-category/_post/yyyy-mm-dd-title.md


文件名 yyyy-mm-dd-title.md 已包含帖子标题。可通过front matter中的声明覆盖:

title: yyyy-mm-dd


文件名 yyyy-mm-dd-title.md 已包含创建日期。可通过front matter中的声明覆盖:

date: yyyy-mm-dd


last_modified_at: yyyy-mm-dd

如果定义了 last_modified_at,则更新日期将在帖子的元数据模块中呈现。这个属性对于sitemap2也非常实用


建议用目录的层级设置类别: /category/sub-category/_post/yyyy-mm-dd-title.md

如果更喜欢全部帖子混在一块儿的管理方式,也可以在front matter定义类别:

categories: [category, sub-category]


tags: [tags1, tags2]



layout: post


  • 会出现在文章列表的样式
    • post:两端对齐,在正文前渲染元数据(标签、创建日期、更新日期、重定向链接)
    • poetry: 居中对齐,不渲染元数据
    • redirect: 以 page 为蓝本,重定向到 redirect_to 定义的地址。放置在_posts目录内,可以让站外内容以与 post 相同的优先级排列在文章列表
  • 不出现在文章列表的样式
    • page:以 post为蓝本, 去掉元数据与标题
      • redirect: 以 page 为蓝本,重定向到 redirect_to 定义的地址。不放置在_posts目录内,可以作为不外显的跳转页使用
      • archive: 文章列表本身


toc: true



在front matter用如下语法定义(你可以通过控制它的文件名和目录,来决定它是否会出现在帖子列表)

layout: redirect
redirect_to: /destination/url/here
canonical_url: https://www.example.com/destination/url/here


permalink: /url/to/redirect/from


  • 利用 http refresh meta tag 重定向
  • 利用 javascript 重定向
  • 会在正文前渲染一个指向所设定URL的超链接,前两种方式都失效的情况下,用户依旧可以手动点击




  - https://example.com/oldurl
  - /old-dir/old-url-1
  - /old-dir/old-url-2




noindex 是一个包含 meta 标记或 HTTP 响应标头的规则集,用于防止支持 noindex 规则的搜索引擎(例如 Google)将内容编入索引。当 Googlebot 抓取该网页并发现该标记或标头时,Google 就会完全阻止该网页出现在 Google 搜索结果中,不论是否有其他网站链接到该网页。

noindex: true


用以下语法启用文学性字体集合(可在 _config.yml 中配置默认启用该字体集合的帖子目录)

fonts: serif


dropcap: true


如果文章使用的语言不是 _config.yml 中默认的语言,可以在 front matter 定义 lang 与 locale

lang: zh-yue
locale: zh-yue_HK

标准 language codes & territory codes


主题会自动在页面底部渲染文章的版权声明。如果文章使用的版权协议不是 _config.yml 中默认的协议,可以在 front matter 定义本文章所使用的 copyright:

copyright: public-domain

支持的协议包括: "all-rights-reserved", "by-nc-nd", "by-nd", "by-nc-sa", "by-nc", "by-sa", "by", "public-domain"

其中Creative Commons协议会根据页面的语言自动跳转到相应版本的官方译文



<img class="sticker" src="">

在 Html 头部插入任何字符串

通过 custom_head 语法定义的任意字符串都将插入到渲染的 html 文件头。

custom_head: ""

例如,如果您希望帖子不要被搜索引擎收录,只需在 front matter 输入 custom_head: "<meta name='robots' content='noindex'>"


编辑根目录下的 /_config.yml 以进行网站配置


请阅读 jekyll-seo-tag 文档5



  • 从您的设计软件中导出应用图标(或使用在线工具生成它们)
  • 将图标放在项目的根目录下
  • _config.yml 按实际情况修改图标的文件名
  ico: "/favicon.ico" # legacy 'favicon.ico' at the root folder of your site, it is highly recommended not changing this name
  svg: "/favicon.svg" # name+extension of modern vector favicon
  ios: "/maskable-180x180.png" # icon for Safari
ms_tile_color: "#da532c" # hex background for windows 8.1~10 tile
webmanifest: "/site.webmanifest" # icon config file path for Chrome





chinese_webfonts: true


/category/index.md 创建每个分类的文章列表,使用以下front matter:

layout: archive
categories: category name
title: page title
[optional]you could add some content here, it will be rendered before post list



layout: tags
title: 标签


首页内容存储在项目根目录下的 /index.md 中。

layout: home
[optional]you could add some content here, it will be rendered after menu

首页的列表存储在 /_data/menu.yml,您可以从主页设置到指向存档页面的链接,详细步骤请阅读 no-style-please 上的原始文档1

Markdown 解析器

Jekyll默认的kramdown8引擎有一个bug,会将任何未转义的 | 渲染为单行表,该错误已经存在了 [数十年](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23751917/how-do-you-disable-tables-in-kramdown)。在 kramdown 和 jekyll 的存储库中,时不时都会出现提及该错误的 issue,其中大多数都因超时而关闭。考虑到该 bug 修复基本无望,我的主题版本中默认的 markdown 引擎设置为redcarpet9

默认启用 6 种非标准标记符语法:"tables", "autolink", "strikethrough", "highlight", "footnotes", "with_toc_data"。更多用法请阅读redcarpet9上的原始文档。


Docs Language: 中文 | English

The English doc is translate via Gemini Pro and verified by feeshy.

A pure text Jekyll blog theme forked from rigggraz's no_style_please1, with a category-based tree structure for systematically organizing articles on diverse topics, and the ability to manually index external content to consolidate your entire content ecosystem into one single website.


remotely locally
Operating environment Github Actions Unlimited
Theme updates Automatically at building manually
mods on source codes limited to _config.yml Full

Install as a Remote Theme on Github Pages

Copy the _config.yml & Gemfile file to your Github Pages repository and set it up as desired. Find the following two lines of code and uncomment them:

# remote_theme: feeshy/less-style-please
# - jekyll-remote-theme # enable this if you use it as a remote theme
# gem "jekyll-remote-theme" # enable this if you use remote theme

In your GH Pages repo, browse to Settings > Pages > Build and deployment, select GitHub Actions, commit changes

Install as a Local Theme


What Are Kept

  • Minimalist and reserved design style, ideal for pure text websites
  • Adaptive light and dark theme

What Are Changed

  • Low-saturated color palette for both light and dark themes
  • Rowing color grades for tables
  • Self hosting web fonts for Simplified Chinese

Usage on Post

example page: markdown -> webpage

Basic Post Meta Info

A post is always supposed to be stored in the following naming pattern: /category/sub-category/_post/yyyy-mm-dd-title.md


The title is required in the filename yyyy-mm-dd-title.md. Could be overwritten in the front matter:

title: yyyy-mm-dd


A date is already defined in the filename yyyy-mm-dd-title.md. Could be overwritten in the front matter:

date: yyyy-mm-dd

For further edits after the post is published, add a new syntax in the front matter:

last_modified_at: yyyy-mm-dd

If last_modified_at is set, a updated date will be rendered in metadata section of the post. This attribute is also quite useful for sitemap[^jekyll-sitemap]


Categories could be set with hierarchical directories: /category/sub-category/_post/yyyy-mm-dd-title.md

you may also define categories in the front matter of the post:

categories: [category, sub-category]


tags: [tags1, tags2]

Set tags on your need. Tags of a post will be rendered on the post-meta section.


layout: post

There are 5 types of layouts

  • appears on post list
    • post:justify aligned, meta data rendered if set (tags, created date, updated date, redirected url)
    • poetry: center aligned, w/o meta data
    • redirect: like page, w/ redirecting hyperlinks and javascripts and noindex meta tag, w/o meta data
  • not appears on post list
    • page:like post, w/o meta data
    • redirect: like page, w/ redirecting hyperlinks and javascripts and noindex meta tag, w/o meta data
    • archive: the layout of a post list page

Table of Contents3

toc: true


From the Post to a New URL

Defined in front matter with the following syntax (you can control its filename and directory to determine whether it appears in the list of posts)

layout: redirect
redirect_to: /destination/url/here
canonical_url: https://www.example.com/destination/url/here

can also be used with the permalink syntax

permalink: /url/to/redirect/from

Considering server-side 301 redirecting is not supported by github pages, three alternative ways to redirect is provided:

- redirect via http refresh meta tag
- redirect via javascript
- user manually click on the hyperlink rendered on the webpage

This syntax is not only applicable to redirecting pages on the site, but can also be used to redirect articles outside of the site, so that external content may obtain the same metadata index as posts on the site and be displayed in the same post list. It could be quite handy when you want to consolidate all content you posted on different platforms to one single place.

#### From Old URLs to the Post

``` yml
  - https://example.com/oldurl
  - /old-dir/old-url-1
  - /old-dir/old-url-2

Requiring jekyll-redirect-from plugin4. The URL in the first row will be rendered as a hyperlink at the position of the creation date.

Exclude the Post from Search Results

noindex is a rule set with either a tag or HTTP response header and is used to prevent indexing content by search engines that support the noindex rule, such as Google. When Googlebot crawls that page and extracts the tag or header, Google will drop that page entirely from Google Search results, regardless of whether other sites link to it.

noindex: true

Serif Font set and Drop Cap

Enable the Literary Font Set by entering the following syntax on front matter (configure _config.yml to set the default post directories to enable this font set)

fonts: serif

and you can enable drop caps on demand:

dropcap: true

Post Language

If the post is written in an language other than the default language in _config.yml, you may define the lang at front matter.

lang: zh-yue
locale: zh-yue_HK

standard language codes & territory codes

Copyright Disclaimer

Copyright disclaimers are automatically generated at the bottom of the page. If the article uses a copyright license other than the defaulted value in _config.yml, you can define the license in front matter:

copyright: public-domain

available values: "all-rights-reserved", "by-nc-nd", "by-nd", "by-nc-sa", "by-nc", "by-sa", "by", "public-domain"

The Creative Commons license will automatically redirect to the appropriate version of the official translation based on the language of the post

inline stickers

use html syntax

<img class="sticker" src="sticker_url_here">

Insert Anything to Html Head

Any string of custom_head in the front matter will be inserted to the rendered html file.

custom_head: ""

If you want the post excluded from search engine, for instance, just type custom_head: "<meta name='robots' content='noindex'>" in your front matter.

Site Configuration

edit /_config.yml root in the root directory for site configurations

Basic Site Info

read docs of [jekyll-seo-tag]((https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll-seo-tag/blob/master/docs/usage.md)[^seo-tag]


App Icons & Web Manifest

  • Export app icons from your designer software (or generate them with online tools)
    • a modern light-dark vector favicon.svg 🛠️online tool
    • a 32x32 favicon.ico for old browser, a 180x180 png for iOS 🛠️online tool
    • 192x192 and 512x512 maskable pngs for chrome PWA 🛠️online tool
  • Put the icons in the root directory of the project
  • edit _config.yml on your need
  ico: "/favicon.ico" # legacy 'favicon.ico' at the root folder of your site, it is highly recommended not changing this name
  svg: "/favicon.svg" # name+extension of modern vector favicon
  ios: "/maskable-180x180.png" # icon for Safari
ms_tile_color: "#da532c" # hex background for windows 8.1~10 tile
webmanifest: "/site.webmanifest" # icon config file path for Chrome


read docs of jekyll-pwa-workbox6

Chinese webfonts

enabled by default. The loading speed of pages with a lot of Chinese characters will increase significantly if set to false.

chinese_webfonts: true

Archive Page

Create an archive page at /category/index.md with the following front matter:

layout: archive
categories: category name
title: page title
[optional]you could add some content here, it will be rendered before post list

Anually post lists and tagged post lists are automatically generated by the jekyll-archives7 plugin. It is possible to create a summarized list of all tags

layout: tags
title: 标签

Home Page

The content of home page is stored as /index.md in the root directory of your project.

layout: home
[optional]you could add some content here, it will be rendered after menu

The menu on home page are stored as /_data/menu.yml. You could set link to the archive page from home page, read the original docs1 for detailed instructions.

Markdown Parser

the default kramdown parser8 has a bug that renders any unescaped | as single row tables, which has exist for decades. In both kramdown's and jekyll's repos there are issues mentioning the bug now and then, most of which are closed by timeout. Considering that there is no hope that the bug is being fixed, the default markdown engine in my version of theme is set as redcarpet9.

6 non standard flavored markdown syntax are enabled by default - "tables", "autolink", "strikethrough", "highlight", "footnotes", "with_toc_data". Read the original docs9 for more usages.


  1. no_style_please 2 3 4

  2. jekyll-sitemap

  3. jekyll-toc 2

  4. jekyll-redirect-from 2

  5. jekyll-seo-tag

  6. jekyll-pwa-workbox 2

  7. jekyll-archives 2

  8. kramdown-parser-gfm 2

  9. redcarpet 2 3 4