Hugo & Asciidoctor development container for VS Code

This image runs Hugo in a docker container. As also Asciidoctor is installed you can use this markup language instead of Markdown to create awesome websites.

Clone this repository into your project if you want to use this devcontainer. Alternatively, download and copy the .devcontainer folder and all its files into your project folder.

The devcontainer uses the Docker image tisasiju/hugoadocdevcontainer which is built on the image klakegg/hugo:0.92.1-ext-asciidoctor. GitHub Repo to that docker image found here. The image from which I started offers the extended Hugo edition which offers some additional features.

I've added further packages and tools on top of that image:

  • ruby gems asciidoctor-pdf, asciidoctor-html5s and
  • packages python3 and py3-pip
  • packages openssh, git, curl and zsh
  • installed oh-my-zsh and made this the standard shell

VS Code Plugins

The vs-code plugins which are used in the devcontainer:


  • rusnasonov.vscode-hugo
  • budparr.language-hugo-vscode


  • asciidoctor.asciidoctor-vscode to support asciidoc

Improved Git-Support:

  • eamodio.gitlens

Other helpful plugins:

  • shardulm94.trailing-spaces
  • stkb.rewrap (rewrap comments after n characters on one line)
  • bhughes339.replacerules
    • create a set of replacement rules
    • a couple of rules are defined in the config section
  • vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons