- 6
#21 opened by xmh0511 - 2
#22 opened by xmh0511 - 4
Does this support xpath selectors ?
#19 opened by mdrokz - 2
Stripping class entirely
#18 opened by DjakaTechnology - 3
`rphtml` and `htmlentities` APIs changed
#17 opened by ckruse - 2
- 1
#15 opened by lauglam - 6
set_html and replace_with seems not work
#14 opened by 1984204066 - 2
Navigating sideway with `find` method
#13 opened by Random-G - 5
- 6
How to remove a DOM element?
#10 opened by tctco - 0
No problem, my bad :(
#11 opened by tctco - 2
doc.find("p:contains('好用')" panicked, only when Chinese characters appear in contains()
#9 opened by simon639 - 4
Opposite of .has()
#8 opened by rrjanbiah - 4
是否有更好的方式获取 select 元素的值?
#6 opened by zhangxianhong - 3
如何获取节点的tag name(节点名称)?
#4 opened by zhangxianhong - 2
- 6
#3 opened by Archimboldi - 9
#2 opened by lynnux - 1