Creare usando CRA una applicazione. Inserire "React router" come dipendenza e implementare un routing che permetta di:

Mostrare in "/"; Mostrare in "/catalogo"; Mostrare in tutti gli altri casi(miro); Creare una visibile su tutte le pagine;


{/* The rest of your app goes here */} ,

is the recommended interface for running React Router in a web browser. A stores the current location in the browser's address bar using clean URLs and navigates using the browser's built-in history stack.

IN APP ---> <-----

Link con React Native Version:


Link con MAP e Key:

    { => (
  • {}
  • ))}


scrivere il nostro custom hook useFetch che gestisca {loading, data, error} pagina home: mostrare lista categorie pagina categoria: mostrare lista ricette di categoria Sviluppare un po' di UI che sia più carina della lezione


{USE PARAMS} -cos'è e che mi rappresenta?

The useParams hook returns an object of key/value pairs of the dynamic params from the current URL that were matched by the . Child routes inherit all params from their parent routes.

It means whatever you set up in useParams(ex: title), your params have to match with the .

NEL PADRE (nel nostro caso APP) abbiamo: <Route path="/catalogo/:categoryName" element={} /> quel {/:categoryName} è il nostro UseParams che ci andiamo a richiamare nella pagina Category, così:

        const params = useParams();
        const {categoryName} = params;

This /:name can be anything, as long as it matches with the parameters/keys of your data. This is also the key when we need to use useParams later on.

First off, we need to make sure the { name } matches with our /explore/:name parameter. Basically, you can name the parameter anything you want, but you would want to match with one of the key in your list so there’s no confusion.


vedere cos'è useContext [ok] formattare i dati della singola ricetta pagina di dettaglio ricetta Inserire usando sub-routes delle tab contententi: Istruzioni, Ingredienti, video di YouTube Scrivere poca UI

  • Esercizio di ieri
  • Link [end]
  • Navigate e useNavigate
  • useSearchParams
  • props nei link, useLocation
  • Route guards


NavLink: A special version of the that will add styling attributes to the rendered element when it matches the current URL. About

className: string | func className can either be a string or a function that returns a string. If the function className is used, the link’s active state is passed as a parameter. This is helpful if you want to exclusively apply a className to an inactive link.

<NavLink to="/faq" className={isActive => "nav-link" + (!isActive ? " unselected" : "") }



The useSearchParams hook is used to Read and Modify the query string in the URL for the current location. Similar to the useState hook of React, the useSearchParams hook of React Router returns an array with two elements: the first is the current location’s search params and the latter is a function that can be used to update them:

import { useSearchParams } from 'react-router-dom';

const App = () => { const [searchParams, setSearchParams] = useSearchParams(); return /_ ... _/ }