- 1
4x4 matrix code doesn't compile.
#86 opened by schuranator - 34
GUIStyle Overload Issue
#45 opened by stanleyjoy - 1
UnityXNA project
#61 opened by maconbot - 2
Is the project still being maintained?
#83 opened by SimonDarksideJ - 1
FFWD works with Windows Phone 8
#82 opened by stephan7 - 6
Loading but nothing happned
#81 opened by KlausMoller - 5
[WP7] Skybox, Accelerometer & Gestures
#71 opened by Eraile - 6
TextureOffset issues
#63 opened - 1
#80 opened by schuranator - 1
Any movement here? Bepu Physics?
#79 opened by bigdaddio - 1
Finally uploaded and LIVE.
#78 opened by stanleyjoy - 1
2D Physics
#77 opened by schuranator - 2
Wondering why this is happening???
#76 opened by stanleyjoy - 3
no Character Controller?
#51 opened by alfiolocastro - 2
#74 opened by stanleyjoy - 1
Adding Sounds
#75 opened by stanleyjoy - 2
I Solved issue that some might get.
#73 opened by stanleyjoy - 4
Last but not least.
#72 opened by stanleyjoy - 3
Rendering Issues
#70 opened by stanleyjoy - 4
Input Touch Issue
#69 opened by stanleyjoy - 16
TouchPhase not working???
#53 opened by stanleyjoy - 13
Skyblue Screen in Between Scenes
#65 opened by stanleyjoy - 1
Raycast support
#68 opened by stanleyjoy - 7
#67 opened by stanleyjoy - 3
Farseer Physics....
#66 opened by stanleyjoy - 2
Tracking Hardware Back Button...
#64 opened by stanleyjoy - 4
Culling Mask....
#62 opened by stanleyjoy - 1
Is the FFWD will be keep updating?
#60 opened by dekaralos - 1
No TypeResolver?
#59 opened - 8
- 1
Unexported mesh collider
#58 opened by mydiscogr - 3
XML-Element "body" not found in Logo.xml
#55 opened by MasterFlu - 0
collider of plane is null
#56 opened by mydiscogr - 3
- 1
text mesh support?
#52 opened by InitoryDad - 2
GUISkin & GUILayout.Button issue
#46 opened by stanleyjoy - 18
Rigidbody issue
#50 opened by stanleyjoy - 9
Instance of prefab issue ??
#49 opened by pmyn - 3
GUI.Button unable to be used in WP7 phone.
#34 opened by gamekingdom - 2
Transfrom == null on Renderer (MeshRenderer) object.
#48 opened by pmyn - 5
Power of two exception
#47 opened by CodeHelix - 4
tombstone... for wp7
#44 opened by mydiscogr - 2
can't work in 3.5.1
#43 opened by darksh0w - 2
#42 opened by mydiscogr - 7
missing .dll's in FFWD.Unity.Tests.Scripts/bin/
#41 opened by maconbot - 2
problem in Linerender
#40 opened by mydiscogr - 5
- 1
Other extension
#38 opened by CodeHelix - 2
Issue or just understanding?
#37 opened by bigdaddio - 4