
Break questions the edges of design, asking what design might become in a connected culture.


In the spirit of transparency I’m opening up my planning process for Break. Certain details – speakers fees and sponsorship agreements are confidential – however, I hope to keep as much as possible in the open.

Once the event is over, I’d like to explore publishing as much detail as I can about the work that goes into running a conference. It’s been an eye-opening experience and it’s certainly not the surefire path to riches that many think it is!

If you’ve questions, or suggestions, please drop me a line via Twitter. —Christopher Murphy

Update: 12 August, 2018

Break was a huge success and I was so grateful for all of the support it received.

I did try to persuade Cara (my wife, who did a huge amount of work supporting the conference) that we should run it again…. Sadly, she didn’t think that was a good idea given the huge amount of work we put into it on top of our full-time jobs.

I am still trying to persuade her.

It’s too late to run Break in 2018, but I’m holding out that she might allow me to run it in 2019. (Fingers crossed!) Until then, if you’re looking for a conference in Belfast, also in November, I’d heartily recommend Pixel Pioneers.