In an effort to share best practice and develop the highest quality educational content possible, I’m opening up the process of developing a new BDes (Hons) Interaction Design course, which I’m developing at the University of Ulster. This is an experiment, I’d welcome your input, but please engage with it constructively.
- aarongilmore@acolorbright
- aimeesands
- amber-mcgregorBelfast, Northern Ireland
- ArnSchHigher Ground
- chriswrightdesign@campaignmonitor
- eleventhirtyBelfast
- esganaLisbon - Portugal
- fehlerMr Murphy Ltd.
- immundaRaspberry Pi Foundation
- imranansari
- intioceanVidacycle
- jaylarson85Asha || Tunapanda Institute
- jhcloos
- jolantisLEGO System A/S
- juptrkingGaia
- Libwella
- lrzuniga@orium
- martinhughesInternet
- martinoSpaziodati
- matt-west@automattic
- matthewclarke21Belfast
- mikehickman
- mjoshlin
- moonbasecoMoonbase Co.
- murraysumTito
- philosafiHyderabad, India
- pipsheaMelbourne
- prasad83
- shanshekhar
- shstevenScreening Eagle
- Sianfinlay
- SiGhTfOrbACQ
- tajdidBelfast
- thiagotomasiFinland
- timjonesus
- timpotterLittle Thunder Co.