not available
gesellix opened this issue · 7 comments
gesellix commented
Hi, thanks for your nice progress bar service - sadly the server seems to be unavailable for the past days. Did you shut it down intentionally?
r-lyeh-archived commented
yep, +1. thanks for the service :) the service has been on/off during the past days.
it is more noticeable when you have lots of badges ( ).
fehmicansaglam commented
Sorry for the late reply. I think there is a problem with the DO service. I am going to solve it in a couple of minutes.
fehmicansaglam commented
It is up now.
r-lyeh-archived commented
👏 thx
cssmagic commented
Sorry. Seems unavailable again. 😭
fehmicansaglam commented
Sorry, it is up now.
cssmagic commented
Thanks! 👍