Project for CS269_2019Spring
see main.ipynb
Since in our project, we try many different methods, some of which may use different libraries and apis. Instead of putting all of them into a uniform api. We split them by putting them to different directories.
The Code for purely LEAM:
- data_process_reuters.ipynb : download and process reuters dataset.
- main.ipynb : main file to run
- src/
- :
- Class Embedding : implement word embedding (pre-defined) along with label-embedding attention --- can change to bag of word or other predefined word embedding
- Class Classifier : MLP + Relu classifier --- can change to LSTM / CNN / DNN
- Class Leam_Classifier : combine two above
- : Code for training and testing
- : Main file to run in terminal
- : Util functions. --- please add all other function in util
- : Please omit
- :
- data/ : will be produced by data_process_*.ipynb, please store every later data in this folder
The Code for ELMO:
- The codes for ELMO is under the directory ELMO_BERT. The main interface is the ELMO.ipynb file. And this file use the functions in src directory
- The code is based on google colabtory
- LEAM : See reference folder
- Github LEAM
- Chinese blog about LEAM