
An open-source project using Axum Rust to track and combat cheating in Rainbow Six Siege (R6)

Primary LanguageRust

R6 CheatTracker

R6 CheatTracker is an open-source project designed to combat cheating in Rainbow Six Siege (R6) by empowering the community to report and track suspected cheaters effectively. This project utilizes Axum Rust technology to provide a transparent and community-driven platform for identifying and addressing cheating incidents within the game.

Key Features

  • Video Uploads: Users can easily submit video evidence of suspected cheating incidents directly to the platform.
  • Account Linking: Suspected cheater accounts can be linked to reported incidents for efficient tracking and analysis.
  • Community Reporting: Empowerment of the community to contribute to identifying cheaters and maintaining fair play.
  • Data Analysis: Utilizes Axum Rust for backend processing and insightful data analysis of reported incidents.

How It Works

  1. Upload Video: Users upload video evidence showcasing suspicious behavior in Rainbow Six Siege.
  2. Account Linking: Connect suspected cheater accounts to reported incidents for better tracking.
  3. Community Collaboration: Community members contribute to identifying and flagging cheaters to ensure fair gameplay.
  4. Data Analysis: Leveraging Axum Rust for robust backend processing and generating valuable insights into cheating patterns.

Join us in the battle against cheating in Rainbow Six Siege with R6 CheatTracker!


Contributions are welcome! If you have ideas for new features, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's work together to create a cheat-free environment for Rainbow Six Siege players.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.