
Use TimescaleDB as a compressed, long-term store for Prometheus time-series metrics

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Timescale-Prometheus Connector

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With this remote storage connector, Prometheus can use TimescaleDB as a compressed, long-term store for time-series metrics. For a detailed description of this architecture, please see our design doc.

Quick start with Helm (recommended)

The quickest way to get started is by using the Helm chart from timescale-observability, which provides a broader framework for installing an end-to-end monitoring stack.

The following command will install Prometheus, TimescaleDB, Timescale-Prometheus Connector, and Grafana into your Kubernetes cluster:

helm repo add timescale https://charts.timescale.com/
helm repo update
helm install <release_name> timescale/timescale-observability

Configuring Helm Chart

To get a fully-documented configuration file for timescale-observability, please run:

helm show values timescale/timescale-observability > my_values.yml

You can then edit my_values.yml and deploy the release with the following command:

helm upgrade --install <release_name> --values my_values.yml timescale/timescale-observability

By default, the timescale-observability Helm chart sets up a single-instance of TimescaleDB; if you are interested in a replicated setup for high-availabilty with automated backups, please see this github repo for additional instructions.

Configuring Data Retention

By default, data is stored for 90 days and then deleted. This default can be changed in SQL by using the SQL function set_default_retention_period(new interval). For example,

SELECT set_default_retention_period(180 * INTERVAL '1 day')

You can also override this default on a per-metric basis using the SQL function set_metric_retention_period(metric_name, interval) and undo this override with reset_metric_retention_period(metric_name).

Note: The default applies to all metrics that do not have override, no matter whether they were created before or after the call to set_default_retention_period.

Working with SQL data

We describe how to use our pre-defined views and functions to work with the prometheus data in the SQL schema doc.

A Reference for our SQL API is available here.


Helm (sub)chart for Timescale-Prometheus Connector only

A Helm chart for only the Timescale-Prometheus Connector is available in the helm-chart directory of this repository.

This is used as a dependency from the timescale-observability Helm chart and can be used as a dependency in your own custom Helm chart.

Non-Helm installation methods

Any non-helm installations also need to make sure the drop_chunks procedure on a regular basis (e.g. via CRON). We recommend executing it every 30 minutes. This is necessary to execute data retention policies according to the configured policy. This is set up automatically in helm.

We also recommend running this with a Timescaledb installation that includes the timescale_prometheus_extra Postgres extension. While this isn't a requirement, it does optimize certain queries. A docker image of Timescaledb with the extension is available at on Docker Hub at timescaledev/timescale_prometheus_extra:latest-pg12. Instructions on how to compile and install the extension are in the extensions README.


You can download pre-built binaries for the Timescale-Prometheus Connector on our release page.


A docker image for the Timescale-Prometheus Connector is available on Docker Hub at timescale/timescale-prometheus.

A docker image of timescaledb with the timescale_prometheus_extra extension is available at on Docker Hub at timescaledev/timescale_prometheus_extra:latest-pg12.

Non-Helm Configuration

Configuring Prometheus to use this remote storage connector

You must tell prometheus to use this remote storage connector by adding the following lines to prometheus.yml:

  - url: "http://<connector-address>:9201/write"
  - url: "http://<connector-address>:9201/read"

Configuring Prometheus to filter which metrics are sent (optional)

You can limit the metrics being sent to the adapter (and thus being stored in your long-term storage) by setting up write_relabel_configs in Prometheus, via the prometheus.yml file. Doing this can reduce the amount of space used by your database and thus increase query performance.

The example below drops all metrics starting with the prefix go_, which matches Golang process information exposed by exporters like node_exporter:

 - url: "http://timescale_prometheus_connector:9201/write"
      - source_labels: [__name__]
        regex: 'go_.*'
        action: drop

Additional information about setting up relabel configs, the source_labels field, and the possible actions can be found in the Prometheus Docs.

Configuring the Timescale-Prometheus Connector Binary

The Timescale-Prometheus Connector Binary is configured either through CLI flags or environment variables. The list of all available flags is displayed on the help timescale-prometheus -h command. All environment variables are prefixed with TS_PROM.


Before building, make sure the following prerequisites are installed:

The Timescale-Prometheus Connector is a Go project managed by go modules. You can download it in any directory and on the first build it will download it's required dependencies.

# Fetch the source code of Timescale-Prometheus in any directory
$ git clone git@github.com:timescale/timescale-prometheus.git
$ cd ./timescale-prometheus

# Install the Timescale-Prometheus Connector binary (will automatically detect and download)
# dependencies.
$ cd cmd/timescale-prometheus
$ go install

# Building without installing will also fetch the required dependencies
$ go build ./...

You can build the Docker container using the Dockerfile.


We welcome contributions to the Timescale-Prometheus Connector, which is licensed and released under the open-source Apache License, Version 2. The same Contributor's Agreement applies as in TimescaleDB; please sign the Contributor License Agreement (CLA) if you're a new contributor.