My neo/vim, tmux, oh-my-zsh etc. configurations 😊
- vim/: A modular Neo/vim configuration for Pythonista and Gopher. Robust, yet light-weight
- colors/sunrise.vim: My colorscheme, supplemented and optimized for some plugins
- config/: Configuration
- filetype.vim: Language behavior settings
- general.vim: General/Buildin settings
- mappings.vim: Key mappings
- plugins.vim: Plugin management and settings
- local.vim: Custom user settings
- ...
- filetype.vim: Custom filetype detection
- init.vim: Initialization
- ...
- tmux/: A pretty and versatile tmux configuration file based on gpakosz/.tmux
- tmux.conf: Base tmux settings, do not edit this file
- tmux.conf.local: Override settings by editing this file
- tmux.conf.plugs: Add plugins by editing this file
- zsh/: oh-my-zsh configuration file
- zshrc: Zsh configuration
- zshrc.local: Custom user settings
See more
Get dotfiles:
$ git clone ~/.dots
1. Deploy settings
Using for neovim:
$ ln -s ~/.dots/vim/ ~/.config/nvim
Or using for vim:
ln -s ~/.dots/vim/.vimrc ~/
- 2. Use
to install plugins, See plug.vim for details - 3. Install dependent tools
- 4. If you are experiencing problems, run and read
nvim -c checkhealth
Finished, enjoy it 😄
1. Insatll tpm
$ git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm $ bash ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/bin/install_plugins
2. Deploy settings
$ ln -s ~/.dots/tmux/tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
tmux prefix
to editing the local tmux configuration~/.dots/tmux/tmux.conf.local
- 1. Insatll prerequisites
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh
- powerlevel10k theme.
- zsh-syntax-highlighting to
. - zsh-autosuggestions to
# $ brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts $ brew cask install font-hack-nerd-font
Configure non-acsii fonts in Iterm2:
Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Non-Ascii-Font -> hack-nerd-font.
Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors -> Colors Presets -> Monokai Soda
3. Get the configurations you are interested in from
$ ln -s ~/.dots/zsh/zshrc ~/.zshrc
Please feel free to ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you 😉 !