Simple shader GL example. It take models in obj forms and images that can be read by stb (jpg, png, hdr,...).
You will need vcpkg to use the cmake that is in the root of the repository.
You can have a look at vcpkg in here and install it:
git clone
cd vcpkg
Then you will need to install the following packages:
- SDL2
- glm
- GTest
To install use the command line in the repository of vcpkg something like:
vcpkg install SDL2 GLEW glm GTest
You can specify which version of windows you want to use by adding
or :x86-windows
after the packages. If you are using
Visual Studio 2019 you should use the x64 versions!
Install cmake from here. Check if you can execute it at the command line and if not use the GUI version.
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE="$env:VCPKG_ROOT\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake"
In case you don't have the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable set you can put the directory in witch you installed the vcpkg.
Open the project with Visual studio 2019.
You can just use the make
You have 5 program that can be used:
This is a test for the functionality of the ShaderGLLib.
This is a very bare bone Shader example that will open a window and display the Japanese flag (using shaders).
This is a simple ray marching example, it will draw a sphere and compute the shading and the shadow.
This will draw a cube map and an apple (simple just albedo).
This is a full physically based rendering example this will use albedo, normal, metallic, roughness and ambient occlusion map. It will also make an irradiance map to have the correct lighting and make a reflexion map to have the reflectivity.