
React Code Challenge

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Dog Liker Challenge

Getting Started

  1. git checkout -b #FIRSTNAMEHERE#
  2. npm install
  3. npm run start
  4. Your server will run on localhost:3004/dogs. Your React frontend will run on localhost:3000
  5. Your server at localhost:3004/dogs returns a response that looks like this:
    "image": "https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/labradoodle/Cali.jpg",
    "likes": 0,
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Rover"
    "image": "https://images.dog.ceo/breeds/beagle/n02088364_16689.jpg",
    "likes": 0,
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Bingo"
  1. DELIVERABLE 1: Write code in App.js that fetches all dogs from the server and then renders them inside in the div with the id of dogs. Each dog should be represented in an individual div that looks like:
<div className="dog">
    <img src="#IMAGE HERE#" alt="#NAME HERE#">
    <p>#NAME HERE#</p>
    <p>Likes: #LIKES HERE#</p>
  1. DELIVERABLE 2: Refactor the code so that each Dog now has it's own component that is imported to App.js and passed props in order to render it. In addition to the server data, create a function addLike that will add a like to a particular dog (only locally, no persistence needed).

  2. DELIVERABLE 3: Update the event handler for the select dropdown so it now filters successfully between All Dogs and dogs with one or more likes or Liked Dogs. If there are no dogs to show, instead of showing nothing show an <h2> with the phrase No Dogs To Show ;(.

  3. DELIVERABLE 4: Refactor your addLike function so that it now makes a PATCH request to http://localhost:3004/dogs/:id where the id is the ID of the dog you wish to change. The body of the request (before JSON.stringify) should look like:

    {"likes": "#NEW NUMBER OF LIKES HERE#"}

After doing this, you should be able to refresh the page and the likes should persist.

To skip ahead/see sample solutions

  1. git add . && git commit -m "#PUT TIME HERE#"
  2. git checkout -b deliverable-#NUMBER OF DELIVERABLE HERE#
  3. Check out what you need to check out, maybe copy/paste somewhere.
  4. When you're done, to return to your work: git stash && git checkout #FIRSTNAMEHERE#