
the dot config files

Primary LanguageShell


dotfiles, my personal oh-my-zsh plugin.

for none oh-my-zsh users, you can try copy the functions to you .bashrc file directly.


  • cd_clone
    aliase cdc, download github.com/user_name/repo_name to folder ~/github/user_name/repo_name
  • cd_fzf
    aliase cdf, cd to fzf selected directory. need install fzf and fd first
  • install_plugins
    install useful plugins, then you can enable them in .zshrc


see aliases.zsh.


Using Oh-my-zsh:

  1. Clone this repository in oh-my-zsh's plugins directory:

     git clone https://github.com/feitian124/dotfiles ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/dotfiles
  2. Activate the plugin in ~/.zshrc:

     plugins=( [plugins...] dotfiles)
  3. Source ~/.zshrc to take changes into account:

     source ~/.zshrc
  4. Install plugins.(depends on this dotfiles plugin so need config it first)


    Activate plugins

    plugins=( [plugins...] dotfiles zsh-autosuggestions zsh-history-substring-search zsh-syntax-highlighting)