
PicPayLite is a bootleg application that try to mimic the basic behavior of a digital wallet

Primary LanguageC#


PicPayLite is a API that mimic the basic behavior of a digital wallet as currency transfer and account system.


Running Application With Docker

To run the application with Docker you gonna need Docker installed in your computer and Docker-Compose. After that in the root directory of the project you gonna type into your terminal

docker-compose up -d

Docker will pull some images and after that you can access the application localhost:5048 and database adminer localhost:8080.

To have access to the local adminer database you just have fill the fields:

System PostgresSQL
Server db
Username postgres
Password postgres
Database picpaylite_db


Here we have endpoints query definition to allow you to consume our routes



To make all subsequent operations into our API you need to have a created client. If you try to make some other request before that you will receive a ClientNotFound error as response.

Body params

Property Name Data Type Description
name string client name, should have first and last names
email string client email, should be a valid email
type int type of client, 0=natural person and 1=legal person.
document object document object
document.type int type of document, 0=CPF and 1=CNPJ
document.value string value of the document without mask, ex: 05522233310

Request Body

  "name": "João Victor",
  "email": "babayaga@example.com",
  "type": 0,
  "document": {
    "type": 0,
    "value": "08844535522"

Response Status 201 Created

	"id":  "86484bdb-681e-46b4-a0fe-8faca8d2af20",
	"name":  "Jesse Faden",
	"email":  "takethecontrol@gmail.com",
	"type":  0,
	"document":  {
		"type":  0,
		"value":  "81396161090"


After create a client you need to get access token to make all subsequent requests. If you try to make some other request before that you will receive a 401 Unauthorized error as response.

Path params

Property Name Description
document value of the document without mask, ex: 05522233310



Response Status 200 OK

	"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiI4NjQ4NGJkYi02ODFlLTQ2YjQtYTBmZS04ZmFjYThkMmFmMjAiLCJlbWFpbCI6InRha2V0aGVjb250cm9sQGdtYWlsLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTY4MzQzNzYxOSwiaXNzIjoiaXNzdWVyIiwiYXVkIjoiYXVkaWVuY2UifQ.jBsUXM9EBqsZbiUx4hGziyhlnPGEbiGY0vvv40wm6P8"



This endpoint creates a account for a client and return the account number. After that will be possible make transfers between accounts.

Header Params

Property Name Description
Authorization Bearer Token

Body Params

Property Name Data Type Description
document object document object
document.type int type of document, 0=CPF and 1=CNPJ
document.value string value of the document without mask, ex: 05522233310

Resquest Body

	"document":  {
		"type":  0,
		"value":  "66288118087"

Response Status 201 Created

	"number":  1369


This endpoint get the account balance returning the value and actual currency. For default the account will have a balance value of 500 BRL currency.

Header Params

Property Name Description
Authorization Bearer Token

Path Params

Property Name Description
accountNumber account number



Response Status 200 OK

	"currency":  "BRL",
	"amount":  500


This endpoint get a account number for a client.

Header Params

Property Name Description
Authorization Bearer Token

Path Params

Property Name Description
clientDocument value of the document without mask, ex: 05522233310



Response Status 200 OK

	"number":  1369


  • Change to Onion architecture, separating into projects
  • Create an extension method to services configuration in the program file
  • Create a repositories manager
  • Create services manager
  • Create email and SMS notification service
  • Implement cached repositories with Redis
  • Implement notification pattern to handle expected errors and successful
  • Add DTOs