Next.js Dynamic Routes: Lord of the Rings App Dynamic Routes

Currently, the overview about the Lord of the Rings volumes is done with static routing. You are going to refactor the code with dynamic routes as well as links. Finally, you will create a button to navigate to a random volume.


Refactor: Dynamic Routes

Refactor the static routes of the volume detail pages so that they use dynamic routes instead.

You can use the following hints as guideline:

  • Create a [slug].js file in the volumes folder. This file will eventually replace the static volume detail pages.
  • Inside of [slug].js recreate the VolumeDetail component which returns the same elements as the static version of the component. Adjust the code so that the content is now based around the slug from the router.query object.

Refactor: Link to the Dynamic Routes

Refactor the volumes overview and create the links dynamically from the volumes array.

Random Volume

On the volume overview page, create a button to navigate to a random volume.

This function will help you to get a random element from an array:

function getRandomElement(array) {
  return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)];

💡 You will need to use router.push() in the event handler function.


Local Development

To work locally, please install the dependencies using npm i first.

Run npm run dev to start a development server and open the displayed URL in a browser.

Use npm run test to run the tests.

CodeSandbox Cloud

Select the "Preview: 3000" tab to view this project.

Select the "Tests: logs" tab to view the tests.

The npm run dev and npm run test scripts run automatically.


You can use the following commands:

  • npm run dev to start a development server
  • npm run build to build the project
  • npm run start to start a production server
  • npm run test to run the tests
  • npm run lint to run the linter