
react with arrays challenge 2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Arrays: Users

The ./src/App.js file should dynamically display a card for each of the nine USERS imported from the db.js file.

For now, however, there is only one card. Let's fix this with our newly acquired knowledge about arrays in React.

After that, you can implement two more features to make the user overview even more shiny!


  1. Use Array.map to create a card for each user in the USERS array. Make sure to add a unique key to each card.
  1. Switch to the card component and use Array.map to create a Tag for each role in the roles array of a user. Make sure to add a unique key to each tag - in this instance, feel free to use the role itself as a key.
  1. At last, refactor the Tag component: it should receive an additional class called 'Tag--highlight' if the tag prop equals the string 'admin' (compare the Tag.css file).


  • You only have to touch the files ./src/App.js, ./src/Card.js, and ./src/Tag.js.


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  • npm run start to start a development server