A good vim configuration.
git clone https://github.com/feixia586/vim.git <dir>
ln <dir>/.vimrc ~/.vimrc
git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git ~/.vim/bundle/vundle
- start vim
- run command ":BundleInstall" in vim
For plugin YouCompleteMe (step 3~4 are for supporting C-family language):
cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe
./install.sh --clang-completer
# This is for supporting C-family languagecp ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe/third_party/ycmd/cpp/ycm/.ycm_extra_conf.py ~/
- modify .ycm_extra_conf.py if you have special need
When run command ":BundleInstall", there might be some prolbems:
- Some plugin can not be successfully installed. ==> Solution: search the plugin in website, then put the plugin folder in ~/.vim/bundle/
When doing ./install.sh --clang-completer, there might be some problems:
- CMake is required to build YouCompleteMe. ==> Solution: sudo apt-get install CMake
- Could NOT find PythonLibs (missing: PYTHON_LIBRARIES PYTHON_INCLUDE_DIRS). ==> Solution: sudo apt-get install python-dev