
Simple implementation of Google AdMob User Messaging Platform to use in Unity projects on iOS and Android

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Simple implementation of Google AdMob User Messaging Platform to use in Unity projects on iOS and Android

Google documentation:

Note that on iOS the plugin do not manage the App Tracking Transparency Consent.


Choose your favourite method:

  • Plain install
    • Clone or download this repository and put it in the Assets/Plugins folder of your project.
  • Unity Package Manager (Manual):
    • Add the following line to Packages/manifest.json:
    • "com.binouze.googleusermessagingplatform": "https://github.com/binouze/GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.git"
  • Unity Package Manager (Auto)
    • in the package manager, click on the +
    • select add package from GIT url
    • paste the following url: "https://github.com/binouze/GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.git"

How to use

    private void Start()
        // These settings must be set before Initialisation call
        if( DEBUG )
            // this one is false by default
            GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.SetDebugLogging( true );
            // Set here your device ID for testing, 
            // if not set, the device ID to put here will be shown in the console
            #if UNITY_IOS
            GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.SetDebugMode( "XXXXXXXXX", true );
            #elif UNITY_ANDROID
            GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.SetDebugMode( "XXXXXXXXX", true );
        // Better to have this one set before the Initialisation too
        // so after initialisation it will be called with the current status
        GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.SetOnStatusChangedListener( MajConsentStatus );
        // Initialize GoogleUserMessagingPlatform
    private void MajConsentStatus( ConsentStatus status )
        // Maybe you want to show the form directly after the initialisation if status is REQUIRED
    private void ShowConsentFormBeforeAction()
        // Maybe you want to show the consent form before to make an action
        GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.ShowForm( () => {
            // Do whatever after
        // Maybe you want to show the consent form before to make an action only if status is REQUIRED
        GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.ShowFormIfRequired( () => {
            // Do whatever after
    private void InitFormButton()
        // If you want a button to show the form only if available
        Button.gameObject.SetActive( GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.IsFormAvailable() );
        Button.onClick.AddListener( GoogleUserMessagingPlatform.ShowForm )