ENTR-451 Homework Assignment #1

In this assignment, you'll be building the domain model, database structure, and data for "KMDB" (the Kellogg Movie Database). The end product will be a report that prints the movies and the top-billed cast for each movie in the database.

Getting Started

  • Use this template to create a new GitHub repository (click Use this template at the top of this page); be sure that the new repository in your account is named hw1
  • Open the new repository (the one in your GitHub account – it should be called _Your GitHub Username_/hw1) in Gitpod.
  • Create a new SQLite database by typing sqlite3 kmdb.sqlite3
  • Complete the assignment per the detailed instructions found in the comments of kmdb.sql, executing the script by using the .read kmdb.sql command.
  • Commit and sync often! When complete, ensure that your most up-to-date, finished work lives in your GitHub repository, then, submit the URL to your GitHub repository page – i.e. https://github.com/_Your GitHub Username_/hw1