ENTR-451 Week 8 Practice Exercise – Tacostagram Auth


  • Using this repository as a template, create a tacogram-auth repo in your GitHub account and open the project in Gitpod – expected output of this script is There are 2 new posts.
  • Open the config/routes.rb file and note that resources for posts, sessions and users are already set up for you
  • Open the app/controllers folder and note that controllers for posts, sessions and users already exist


Step 1 - Users

  • Secure data in transit: Modify the new user form to obfuscate the password from view
  • Secure data at rest: When creating a new user, encrypt the user's password with bcrypt
  • Challenge: Do not save a new user if the user's email is already taken

Step 2 - Sessions

  • Secure data in transit: Modify the new session form to obfuscate the password from view
  • In app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb, authenticate a user:
    • find user by email.
      • if no user is found: redirect to /login with a flash message
    • if user exists: authenticate (i.e. check) their password
      • if authentication succeeds: store the user's id in a secure cookie (i.e. session)
      • if authentication succeeds: redirect to /posts with a flash message
      • if authentication fails: redirect to /login with a flash message
  • In app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb, logout a user in the destroy action
  • In app/controllers/application_controller.rb, assign @current_user
  • In app/views/layouts/application.html.erb, modify the navbar:
    • conditionally hide the Login and Sign Up links if a user is logged in
    • if user is logged in:
      • hide Login and Sign Up buttons
      • show first name of logged in user
      • show a Logout button

Step 3 - Posts

  • If a user is not logged in, hide the new post form and instead show a message telling the visitor they must login to post
  • In app/controllers/posts_controller.rb, assign the post's user as the logged in user
  • In app/views/posts/index.html.erb, display the first name of the user that created each post
  • Challenge: Do not let a non-logged-in visitor get to the new post form; instead redirect with a flash message

Extra Challenge

  • Try adding comments functionality
    • hint: comments are similar to activities